Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] to this " in BNC.

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1 O God give me the strength to be victorious over myself , for nothing may chain me to this life .
2 Again , the would-be reformers ' interpretation of the 1980s led them to this conclusion .
3 Beside him , the Substitute burst into delighted laughter and said , ‘ Maestrangelo , introduce me to this man ! ’
4 He added : ‘ We can have DSS men drive to deliver claims forms to hippie itinerants contributing nothing to this country .
5 It had taken him a long time to adjust himself to this , but now it no longer irritated him , and he felt only pity for his wife .
6 As a general rule Green in his Guide recommends the skies be a quarter blue and three quarters grey , and he holds himself to this idea most strictly .
7 David and Angela came along to see it and David said , ‘ I must introduce you to this guy Tony DeFries who is going to be my manager , and I think you should meet him too . ’
8 ‘ It has committed itself to this new dental hospital and we are looking to it to deliver . ’
9 She was not going to start explaining herself to this arrogant Spaniard .
10 He would be going out soon , but an umbilical cord would still tie him to this house of death .
11 His familiarity with every stick and stone of it probably helped him to this preference .
12 Erm we feel rather badly about not returning it to this person who made it for us
13 And I says , it 's an old lake dwelling , and er of course I mentioned it to this chap , just switch it off the now .
14 It was probably natural that the community they set up was so convinced of its own religious ideals that it thought toleration was harmful , but it was also natural that the strong-minded people who had committed themselves to this Atlantic crossing were not able to agree among themselves what was the true religion to which they were so committed .
15 Worse , nothing in the data itself would alert us to this fact .
16 The prophets had sharp words for those who reduced them to this level .
17 The way he went away hurts me to this day .
18 And the person who was going to lead them to this golden opportunity was the new driving force who had come to the fore and already earned himself the nickname of ‘ the Eddie Shah of News on Sunday ’ — Chris Walsh .
19 ‘ You drove me to this .
20 ‘ What really attracted me to this hat was its shape — it reminded me of the ones American tourists wear . ’
21 To teach herself to handle thought , she made it a practise never to permit herself to touch a brush until she could answer these questions , in writing , in the fewest possible words : ‘ What attracted me to this subject ? ’ 'Why do I want to paint it ? ’ 'What is the thing I am trying to express ? ’
22 What attracted me to this way of speaking is that it would seem to allow for a celebration of the diversity of human beings , this held together with an emphasis on the commonness of their humanity .
23 In addressing ourselves to this process , we are not speculating .
24 What attracted you to this particular job ?
25 Come , I 'll present you to this pretty little stranger , anon I 'll inform you who she is .
26 When did they bring you to this prison ? ’
27 I am entering the RAF and then the Navy because I believe I can contribute something to this country by so doing .
28 He 'd said something to this lady and under normal circumstances he would not a she would n't have said anything
29 The wind buffeted her ears as she wondered again what had made Luke bring her to this particular place .
30 If it is then asked what drove him to this desperate end , Zande will refer you to the particular tensions and stresses of his life .
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