Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The intention in suggesting them is to stimulate further thought about other possible frames .
2 To see them is to believe in love , real old-fashioned romantic love .
3 ‘ We do n't really want to see them being killed do we ? ’
4 But it was — and still is — an affront to those who respected the great classic guitars , having to see them being used as dispensable stage props !
5 to look at er , a P R job about changing the way those resources are used so that they 're used in the way that 's been talked away , er , talked about tonight which is way that clearly many wo , many women want to see them being used .
6 The only reliable way to see them was to pass in front of the building and turn left into the road to the cemetery : from that side some of them could be seen craning out of the windows and waving .
7 Nor does the Chancellor demand free elections for East Germans immediately , his aides say , but would first like to see them be given greater personal freedom and basic human rights .
8 Even worse , you would tell me about new poems you had started to write , and it was like a dagger in my heart when you described working on them without my help — though the real reason you had come back to see me was to labour over them with me , adding my suggestions and excisions in the margins in your minuscule script .
9 I quickly discovered that in her view it did n't have one , and that the only reason she had agreed to see me was to get this across once and for all .
10 I expect that the people who made them were influenced by the Labour party 's ’ Standard No. 17 ’ , which was circulated among people in the area .
11 They can make tracks and footmarks in the snow , and on finding footmarks can guess which way the person who made them was going .
12 The extra time and support that are necessary ( a ) to perform jobs that are pressing at the limits of personal and material resources , and ( b ) to invest in learning how to do them better , or to assemble additional resources , so that the time taken to perform them is reduced , are not available .
13 A shady jeweller would want to know that , but the answer was helpful to the police whose next task after recovering the goods and identifying those handling them was to trace the true owners and discover when the theft had occurred .
14 In other words , all the negative characteristics of humanity as men perceive them are projected onto women .
15 440 , where an agreement by the father of illegitimate children to pay the mother for maintaining them was held enforceable by Cockburn C.J. and Byles J. on the ground that the liability imposed upon the mother of illegitimate children under the then relevant statute ( 4 & 5 Will .
16 Consequently the meters are now obsolete and maintaining them was becoming increasingly difficult , particularly in sourcing spare parts .
17 A further example of how the interests of the powerful are enshrined in legislation which has the appearance of opposing them is provided by Carson 's ( 1974,1980 ) analysis of the Factory Regulation Act , 1833 .
18 Once I realised no-one was hurt then came the dreaded moment .
19 Ways of using them are discussed in the next three chapters .
20 As I have already mentioned , the best way to deal with these if your opponent has a predilection for using them is to prime a couple of heroes with the appropriate magic items .
21 The only way to compare them is to calculate what they would be paying over the whole 25 years if neither of them moved from their present home .
22 She thinks everyone 's talking about her .
23 The son of a caretaker who had annoyed them was waylaid by four of them and bludgeoned to death .
24 ‘ Inevitably , the care staff helping them are supervised to a much lesser degree than they would be in a residential establishment . ’
25 By the same token , the public school choice would not be surprised to find that the Labour Party opposition regarded the official unemployment figures as underestimates The arguments that divided them are illustrated in Table 10–2 , which reproduces in a slightly amended form a table that appeared in The Sunday Times ( 6 November 1983 ) .
26 The curtain which divided them was wearing thin .
27 The sick who had no one to tend them were spread through the inner , inhabited core of the city , in the monasteries , in the hospice of the Knights of St John with their double chapels .
28 ‘ What sometimes appear to be new strategies decentralisation , management by objectives , consultative supervision , ‘ democratic ’ leadership are usually but old wine in new bottles , because the procedures derived to implement them are derived from the same inadequate assumptions about human nature …
29 Magellan captured a number of these immense people — one pair by the crud trick of showing them leg-irons and insisting that the proper way to carry them was to allow them to be locked around their ankles .
30 The label on the key Mrs Tamm has given me is crumpled and blank .
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