Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [vb -s] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Failure to diagnose them denies patients simple and effective treatment .
2 They need to know someone has charge of their lives , then they can build from a base of safety and security .
3 We say someone has AIDS when the virus has weakened the body so much that certain new illnesses are developing .
4 A representation or process which allows sets of word candidates to be considered will allow such early discrimination points to be used as soon as possible , even before the remaining acoustic information about trespass is present .
5 However , there is no standard definition or process which constitutes performance review and a number of councils who have introduced review procedures have had disappointing results .
6 Rarely is any reliable evidence provided which charts changes in sexual behaviour .
7 Tell her firmly that you fear if she does n't pull herself together soon she 'll have a drink problem and suggest she seeks help from her GP who can refer her to a psychiatrist .
8 Because we do not know who owns Delion we do not know who bought the property , which raises the question of why the purchasers want to remain anonymous .
9 ‘ Who else do you know who thinks Jack Stone is a worthless slob ? ’
10 I do n't know who likes Kylie , who has made her so popular ; I do n't think it 's boys , or girls my age .
11 Nancy Harrison has to take life one step at a time … after she found she has osteoporosis , a disease which weakens the skeleton and causes fragile bones .
12 It 's a reasonable argument that only crumbles when you realise who owns Island these days — Phonogram .
13 She 's just like a week ago she was she did the manager 's job and , she drops she brings Joshua down here for about quarter to nine , then she goes back up to Stop Hill with the girls
14 ‘ When you consider the difficulties Diana has it speaks volumes that all she could think about was someone else .
15 So if you see that phrase written down anywhere you 'll know it means Sale of Goods Act .
16 I did n't know he changes hairstyles every day .
17 You must know he takes care of all the drivers ’ problems .
18 I suggest he gets Granada TV to run some old programmes showing the late Jack Howarth ( Albert Tatlock ) and listens because the worthy citizens of Lancashire do speak as such .
19 ‘ I expect he prefers cheese and onion to beef , ’ confirms long-time total stranger Kevin Costner , ‘ Most vegetarians do . ’ ’
20 ‘ If you are bullied and you cry it makes things ten times worse .
21 There seems , anyway , to be a metaphorical confusion in this idea : if the inner life is in need of air , how come it takes place in the least accessible parts of our being ?
22 I know some people say it takes time , but I think if you spend a year producing a lamb it is nice to see it sold and you do the best you can for it .
23 They say it expresses women 's impotent desire .
24 The firms say it protects farmworkers and the public from dangerous pesticides .
25 So we say it has curvature .
26 But campaigners say it treats refugees as criminals .
27 It had other beneficial and related properties too , as Martin notes that ‘ the plant itself is not used , but the root is eaten to expel wind , and they say it prevents drunkenness by frequent chewing of it ’ .
28 And to those dying it brings peace and assurance of eternal life .
29 The problem with dinghy sailing is that once the sailing bug is caught it grabs hold .
30 And apart from that he looks he hates people coming into church .
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