Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [vb infin] [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 So they wo n't even be of any use in helping them decide which subjects to specialise in .
2 It kept me awake at nights , it made me forget what I was doing during the day .
3 ‘ However , there are a lot of good players from around Europe playing on the Swedish Tour and it made me realise what I have to do to make it as a pro .
4 The bridge was like a symbol which suddenly made me realise what is happening to that country .
5 It made me realise what a coward I 've been over my own problem .
6 The first I new was Chris 's sudden , shocked screaming , with an urgency that made me drop what I was doing and run across the room to the open verandah .
7 ‘ I 've seen him myself , or else hearing about it has put me in a special state of mind , and all the other factors have come up right , atmospheric conditions , combinations of light and dark , what you like , and made me create what I believed I was seeing .
8 ‘ It really made me appreciate what I have — my job , my family and my home , ’ he said .
9 This made me remember what had happened before and ever since I have been treating both water and canoes with a good degree of caution and respect .
10 Mr Brown 's respectful reception of these corkers made me wonder what he looks like .
11 All this made me wonder what class of people were involved in the production .
12 That made me wonder what he wanted , so I stood and watched .
13 It made me wonder what changes had taken place over the years with regards to the field .
14 ‘ If you must know , it made me wonder what sort of doctor I am , that 's all . ’
15 ( ii ) It is probably clear to the reader that , although we are trying to work formally and to assume nothing other than that given , we do not choose our definitions of unc and unc in a perfectly random fashion , but rather make them reflect what we want to happen .
16 Make them do what we know is for their benefit as well as our own , and all difficulties in China are at an end . ’
17 Make them see what ? ’
18 Could anyone ever knock any sense into this thick skull , and make me see what kind of a man I 'm stuck with ? ’
19 What what d' ya think what does that tell you about the man .
20 D' ya know what I mean ?
21 D' ya know what the axis is ?
22 D' ya know what the sales code does on your B M S ?
23 D' ya know what I mean by body language ?
24 D' ya , d' ya know what I think Al , I think he 's from Barnsley cos that Bob lots of money he 's had dropped there at Barnsley
25 I like the idea of the pipe going up the er up the inside d' ya know what I mean ?
26 D' ya know what I mean ?
27 D' ya know what I mean ?
28 She said a ee and d' ya know what , I did n't have a student .
29 You know what happens , d' ya know what happens then they 'll get people
30 D' ya know what I mean ?
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