Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [be] not " in BNC.

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1 The first person who came to see me was n't Doone after all but Tremayne .
2 even though seeing them is not that different
3 I since you 've already contacted them in person , erm phoning them 's not going to you know reassure them that we 're a bona fide company
4 Th th the point that erm we were then discussing was that in practice of course males may , m ma may contribute a lot more an and , and the question was is this er something to do with the adaptions of our species or is it just the this was the question you , you asked me was n't it ?
5 Indeed , Blundell fears that UK food surpluses may be transient because the intensive agriculture that produced them is not sustainable .
6 The discrimination between the local authorities throughout the country and the London boroughs pardon me are not included in this decision , in fact they 're exempt from it .
7 Whether he deliberately sought them is not clear .
8 I 've I 've got your range of one to six here , John , and I 'm not I must stress I 'm not singling you out — I mean your company is fairly typical of what 's happening in this area — but the main difference between one and six is that erm two and six is that number two covers for two hundred part up to two hundred pounds
9 Perhaps he 's happy because he 's realised I 'm not going to try to hang on to him , she thought sadly .
10 Some soldier saw me , realized I was n't a real major and I suppose he thought I was impersonating an officer or whatever .
11 The man who measured me — he had red hair , I remember — lingered over my inside leg and when he realized I was n't going to object , gave me a comprehensive fondling .
12 I had been happily chatting away for some time to my ‘ invisible ’ recorder before I realized I was not alone .
13 I belatedly realized I was not looking at a reproduction .
14 Not a one of them realized I was not human .
15 I have no right and you have been very generous , Fred , Uncle Steve and the boys and Gertie ca n't understand why you did n't come here with us , Gert only said this morning that you ought to be here , your place is with us , but do n't think I am not grateful .
16 Do you think I 'm not supposed to win this ? ’
17 I 'd better set off , or I wo n't be there at the station and he 'll think I 'm not coming .
18 D' you really think I 'm not ?
19 Why do you think I 'm not good or respectable , I wonder ?
20 ‘ Do n't think I 'm not aware of that . ’
21 ‘ What makes you think I 'm not relaxed ? ’
22 ‘ Do n't think I 'm not grateful for what you 've done for Mum and the boys , ’ she said , aware that her gratitude sounded stiff and forced .
23 ‘ What makes you think I 'm not a full-time career waitress ? ’
24 Why d' ya think I 'm not on Josie la , erm I 'm recruit number two .
25 " Did you think I was not coming back ? " she scolded .
26 ‘ I was afraid you might think I was not coming back .
27 Do you think I was n't aware of you every moment of that interminable dinner ?
28 I had a similar experience in the vestibule of the BBC with an interviewee from the Festival of Light who was declaiming the sins of magazines with open-crotch poses so loudly that I had to pretend I was n't with him .
29 Being quite educated and articulate I was n't the sort of prisoner they expected , even though as there are more drug offenders there are more and more women like me .
30 I thought he might have guessed I was not normal .
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