Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [not/n't] done " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , the erm the alternator or distributor it had n't been wired properly , it had been rewired but not done properly .
2 She may experience a crisis of disbelief in her religious faith , or direct her anger towards the medical or nursing staff who cared for her husband , for failing to save his life ; or she may blame family or friends and have feelings of guilt and anger against herself for things that were done or not done during his lifetime .
3 Whatever other pruning is done or not done , this first principle is obligatory — even when the catalogues and reference books state ‘ no pruning needed ’ .
4 Neurotics may appear to be concerned for others , but this is based on unconscious hostility towards someone , so that their concern that someone may die , or fall very ill unless some particular action of their own is done or not done , really masks an unconscious wish for their death : ‘ … the original wish that the loved person may die is replaced by a fear that he may die ’ .
5 The Occupiers ' Liability Act 1984 outlines where an occupier owes a duty to a trespasser in respect of any risk of that person suffering injury on the premises , by reason of any damage due to the state of the premises or to things done or not done on the premises .
6 Guilt that the family member himself or herself may possibly have been in part a cause of the problem in the primary sufferer either by something done or not done .
7 A surety covenants that those things shall be done or not done as the case may be .
8 And the conservative group is running the council in the sense that labour has scrambled , obviously over the last few days , to reduce its tax level to something closer to the tories and I 'm going to stand with my fellow liberal democrats tonight and vote for a higher figure because , not only because I think that there 's sort of things we want to do in our budget , are b are b are better and and would be better done than not done , but because I think there 's a fundamental political ethical issue here and it 's one which has been confronting this country for a great many years and which is going to be crucial in the next election .
9 Donald flapped and fought and struggled , damaged but not done for , and Angelica — not unaware of the absurdity of trying to maintain some kind of formality under such circumstances , said , ‘ Can I help you ? ’
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