Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [adv] when " in BNC.

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1 It should be stressed that even when the war was going badly for England , the partnership secured profits , which remained in England , even although the gains ultimately passed to other hands than those of the partners .
2 Yes , we spent quite a lot of time alone together , started going to bed and all that , and yes we were sensible enough to know that even when you 're falling in love you should n't live entirely in one another 's pockets .
3 In opposition to David Ricardo [ q.v. ] , he maintained that only when circulating capital increased did employment rise : any increase in fixed capital was unlikely to stimulate , and might significantly diminish , the demand for labour .
4 Now they say that even when they get a new manager , they could not return to the traditional pattern of advice workers advising and the manager doing the rest .
5 But if you say that especially when you say it quickly it 's starting to sound a bit like cos Z squared .
6 … children are used to feeling dissatisfied with their work , to expect chiding from the teacher and often mockery from their friends and to find that even when they 've tried their hardest , the results do n't reflect the amount of effort expended .
7 When he was in Vienna he had contact with the followers of Freud and Adler , and he found that even when a fact appeared to contradict their theories , they were always able to turn the fact around so that it could be taken as another example to prove their theory .
8 Former first team captain Peter Crossley , now fixtures secretary and holder of the coveted Golden Duck award , insists that once when Smith rang he laid the phone down , did the week 's shopping and returned 90 minutes later .
9 Engineers and electricians recognised that clearly when they voted earlier this year to join together in one union .
10 We might extend this in many church investigations to state that even when the statistics prove your point , your next course of action is to gather yet more statistics .
11 and she does and er it 's a I can feel that there when someone 's .
12 Erm well you know , from my experience in the mother and baby home , it seemed that even when girls did n't want to live in Flats ,
13 They are most readily shown at the times when the young are hatching and again when they are fledging .
14 She says no do n't tell him she says you told me , just do it she says and then when we stop it you can tell him .
15 Michael : It 's about sportsman and when he was seven he was a good football player and then when I was about ten or eleven I went swimming and then when I was about eleven I dived in without any — urn — with no water in the pool so I got eye-sighted and then , when I was about fourteen it was I played snooker and I had to do the strokes really good because I was eye-sighted .
16 Ian Murdoch of the receivers , KPMG Peat Marwick , said : ‘ It is always satisfying when a quality company is saved and particularly when it is sold to the management who built it up . ’
17 She says no you ca n't , I might do and then when she 's ready to go out she 'll say you could 've taped it .
18 She said so it 's got to be done really she said and I feel so sorry for them she says because even when they get older they still wo n't be able to go abroad .
19 We have therefore sought only one in-depth interview with each family so far , about six months after the positive screening test ; any other direct contact with the families has been limited and only when sought by them .
20 They were uniform but occurred in such abundance and could so readily be transported that even when they were taken over as currency they could only serve as a rule for small change .
21 A glance at the percentages of synonyms shows that even when the file is only 20 per cent packed , almost 10 per cent of the file will be stored as synonyms .
22 Your pavement philosopher can see that even when the locals are n't trend-setters , they 're certainly trend-getters .
23 Dyspnoea ; they wake from sleep with a sense of suffocation , a sense of choking which can come on in the first sleep , a sense of strangulation when lying and especially when anything is around the neck ; neck is very sensitive to touch .
24 so on a Sunday I used to say right I 'm not gon na take my tablets today because it 's a waste of a tablet if you 're gon na eat like that , and on a Sunday I used to be absolutely exhausted because you take them all the time and they keep you going and then when you stop taking them they 've just , you wind down
25 What was even more worrying was that she had never cried and even when he remonstrated with her and told her bluntly that their two children were dead and buried she just smiled and turned away .
26 With all this it is rather slow to grow and frequently when the culture plate is examined for evidence of gonococcal growth it will be found to be overgrown by other bacteria or yeasts , making it difficult or impossible to identify the gonococcus .
27 Accordingly , a stimulus will be relatively ineffective both when it has itself recently occurred and also when it is presented along with cues that have previously signalled its occurrence .
28 girls they go shopping like but they always got another carrier did n't they until they got sold and then when er they 're on the next road from their house like take the carrier and it 's all for her .
29 Four columns can be used but later when the ground-rules are better understood .
30 And he answered : You give but little when you give of your possessions .
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