Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [pron] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Similarly Emperor Marcus answered by rescript that the words in which a testator had provided that ‘ he did not doubt that whatever his wife had received she would restore to his children ’ should be treated as a trust .
2 The Labour leader , John Smith , took full advantage of their discomfiture , and the conference demonstrated that whatever its doubts over Smith 's modernising intentions , there are none concerning his home rule credentials .
3 Now She is to spend £20,000 trying to find out ‘ what people want and what their views are on how we spend their money . ’
4 and I , I mean , we could all go along and say what we want and what our needs are but that 's not what we 're talking about .
5 In saying ‘ I meant you , not Jones ’ , I am not saying what I gather from my behaviour ( though if what I say and what my behaviour seems to show seem to conflict , you will be justified in saying you do not understand me [ 67 , 136 ] ) .
6 That 's perfectly true , it is a system of the end of the world and my only consc my only complaint is that I do n't think that what my Right Honourable Friend is suggesting is in fact a destruction of the tripartite system .
7 Is that if we took you on if we if we agreed that it my postal wallets might be a good idea for you and you were to delay coming into the er into the company by a week , it could change which company you go into .
8 I suppose I must have accepted that whatever my parents told me was good and right because I had no reason to think otherwise .
9 What is even more odd is that like the AV the STV is allowed to retain its original unitary value however often it is transferred and whatever its preferential status .
10 But I am convinced — from what I have seen and what my commonsense tells me — that more often than not they simply tilt towards the bait at a slight angle and suck it to their lips from distances up to nine inches , a process of vacuuming which they may repeat several times before attempting to swallow the bait .
11 The task of redaction criticism is to determine how the editor ( redactor ) of a biblical book utilized his sources , what he omitted and what he added and what his particular bias was .
12 Surely the needs of the members should come before the administrative easiness of putting people into sections for the Union and as I 've said who better to judge where they need to go and what their needs are than the members themselves .
13 I do not for my part find the objections in principle to be strong and I would certainly be prepared to agree the rule should no longer be adhered to were it not for the practical consideration to which I have referred and which my noble and learned friend agrees to be of real substance .
14 I mean if you your land I mean okay
15 We kept records of every client , including where he lived and what his preferences were .
16 But modern prospectors should remember that what their forebears found , in the 1840s , was the accumulated silt of millions of years .
17 He takes little interest in me apart from how I look and what my exam results are like .
18 this is gon na be done from the heart , there 's no , nothing being put there in front , because when you see what I 've got and what my branch has achieved working with unemployed people your branch earner and that lady up there , , twenty seven years in this union we started this football team , it was this dream that I had and I come from Salford , which is not far from which is devastated with drugs burnt out cars people robbing each other , and of course , .
19 The only difference between what Daniel had to endure and what my children have endured is that I am still alive and have plucked up the courage to divorce my husband .
20 Clients did not receive regular information on where their money was invested or what their funds were now worth .
21 If she dislikes all outward signs of mourning , wanting people to wear their normal clothes and for the proceedings to be very quiet and simple , that should be for her to decide , but if she is of the old school , who prefer mourners to dress rather sombrely , you should try to persuade the rest of the family to do so whatever their personal opinions may be ; although care must be taken not to cause friction over this or anything else which may sour the family gathering .
22 I dare n't have done if I had n't er oh oh I know once my my doctor came to see me about something and there was erm a lot of people used to use er some pills oh what were they called , little round pills , when at the monthly periods they used to use them , oh Doctor Johnson 's , Doctor somebody 's pills , now they would have the effect of er your period you would see more than you usually did .
23 Remember that what your reader wants is not all the facts that a real-life situation would involve but only what I call the " fiction-facts ' , those pieces of information that are necessary not for the situation in the real world you might be describing but for the story you are telling .
24 Oh this is disappointing because I thought that with G P who 'll knows what he requires and what his patients require was going to have erm a pretty er erm
25 ‘ To achieve the objectives we have , everyone has to be very clear about the nature of the business and the nature of the challenge we are facing and what their role is in responding to it .
26 The beliefs and ideas that organisations hold about who they are and what they are trying to do and what their environment is like have a much greater tendency to realise themselves than is usually believed .
27 ‘ We have to decide what we are going to do and what our approach will be . ’
28 At present , no minister could answer a parliamentary question by saying that whatever his views on the matter , responsibility had been allocated for this function to Assistant Secretary Brown and it was up to that official to take whatever course of action he thought best to achieve the set objectives .
29 I would also be interested to know what other paths they had walked and what their perceptions were of these compared to the Staffordshire Way .
30 You know how your vehicles are performing and what your fleet 's running costs are .
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