Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [verb] out " in BNC.

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1 I was in , I was in the industry for thirty years before I realized or find out that it 's an Arabian craft .
2 Or who 's responsible for erm received or going out .
3 You will not have to record every tiny thing you eat or work out calories but it is important that each day you weigh yourself if you possibly can .
4 IF HISTORY is anything to go by , the legal action being brought in Britain by 3,000 patients against Wyeth ( a subsidiary of American Home Products ) and Switzerland 's Hoffmann-La Roche will either be dismissed or settled out of court for a pittance .
5 All goods supplied by the Seller shall be in accordance with ( i ) the current edition of the relevant Product Description Leaflet as published from time to time by the Seller ( copies of which are available from the Seller upon request ) and ( ii ) those further specifications or descriptions ( if any ) expressly listed or set out on the face of the Order .
6 My intervention , such as it was , became well known and earned me the enmity of two or three people whose awards had been either altered or struck out .
7 I keep hearing of people being sacked or getting out .
8 Because neither has examined or thought out their views , or the reasons why they hold them , there is serious misunderstanding when attitudes and behaviour clash .
9 Naturally , some of these indications are quite likely to be related to problems other than faulty vision , but since sight problems may be causing them , a screening test which is , after all , quick and easy to perform should help to confirm or rule out defective vision as a reason for concern .
10 The court may order the whole or part of any pleading to be amended or struck out on the ground that ( a ) it discloses no reasonable cause of action or defence , or ( b ) it is scandalous , frivolous or vexatious , or ( c ) it may prejudice , embarrass or delay the fair trial , or ( d ) it is otherwise an abuse of the process of the court .
11 And by last night , with the pound still falling below its permitted floor within the ERM , Mr Lamont was faced with two options — devalue or get out of Euro system .
12 Sometimes too , I could hear the distant sounds of other women , coughing or calling out to one another , laughing .
13 ( A stoa was a long , colonnaded building which contained shops and offices and enabled people to shop or carry out their business in privacy and protected from rain or hot sun ) .
14 Once Tam darted a terrified glance over his shoulder and saw Kim sprawled across the writing-table ; white faced and trembling from head to toe , he had his eyes closed and his fists were clenched tight as he summoned up every last ounce of courage in his eleven-year-old body to endure his father 's beating without weeping or crying out .
15 Firstly , a hemisphere difference in the rate at which information is encoded and/or read out from some sensory representation of the stimulus should be revealed by a differential effect of masking in left and right visual fields since the presumed effect of the mask is to prevent any further processing .
16 There was therefore no authority powerful or concerned enough to encourage or root out any of the religious persuasions in Scotland .
17 In a way , the planetary message is : grow or get out .
18 Test or try out the beds on display
19 So the sort of murder will have in your police procedural will present virtually no challenge to the reader to guess or work out who-dun-it before your detectives .
20 They will often rear or kick out and generally create a real commotion .
21 Very few environmentalists would choose to engage in a debate about the extent to which they had either succeeded or sold out .
22 For him the laws of settlement hardly prevented the " idle poor " from wandering and a stricter enforcement of vagrancy laws would " compel the poor to starve or beg at home ; for there it will be impossible for them to steal or rob without being presently hanged or transported out of the way " .
23 I ca n't understand it , what if some people with families been evicted or chucked out or whatever ?
24 An introduction on the background and development of hand knitted lace fabrics leads on to the machine knitting methods of today : stitch types ; how they are produced ; lace charts , symbols and how to punch or mark out pattern cards , are all explained in detail and illustrated throughout with knitted samples and the appropriate charts .
25 Programmes to be cancelled or phased out ( subject to post-Gulf war evaluation ) included the navy 's F-14D fighter aircraft and Trident submarine , the airforce 's Maverick missile and F-15E and F-16 fighter aircraft and the army 's M-1 tank , Apache helicopter and Bradley fighting vehicle ; the remaining two US battleships , Missouri and Wisconsin , were both set to be decommissioned in September 1991 .
26 In many companies the normal management accounting system will only pick up a currency exposure when the sales entry has been made and by that time adverse currency fluctuations could have eroded or wiped out the profit margin .
27 We understand why people do n't care for reporting , and it 's often because they 'd rather get on and drill or explore or sort out problems .
28 It has to be designed or thought out carefully so that conscious decisions can be made about it .
29 London , however , is pounded by commuter traffic and the only policy option which promises relief is determined action to exclude or price out the one-driver commuter car .
30 Okay then , which observer wants to observe or come out with
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