Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [verb] her " in BNC.

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1 Even if the child is a drain on her health , and she can not cope with it , public opinion will totally condemn her if she neglects or injures her child .
2 This can be understood to mean that Vietnam is not prepared to renounce or imperil her close ties with the Soviet Union .
3 Inevitably , Madeleine 's name had cropped up and Harry had felt a pang of nostalgia remembering the little girl with her white dresses and long , golden plaits , laughing or stamping her foot if her brother did n't give her her own way .
4 Diana went on to demand that she should be allowed to continue as a full member of the Royal Household , free to accept or reject her own official engagements and free to pursue her own special charity interests .
5 She never moved or relaxed her watchfulness ; but in her very stillness there was something of violence , as though a touch might cause her to spring into startling and daunting life .
6 She had been only 13 years old when the event occurred that shattered her world .
7 Blanche had increasingly come to accept that doing her best was good enough and that she did not need to measure herself against some ideal standard .
8 She liked to dazzle Montparnasse with her originality ; sometimes she wore long flowing veils , usually she appeared in the smocked Liberty dresses that suited her pert little-girl look .
9 She found that establishing her own goals based on her needs made studying that much easier and gave a purpose to the activities and assignments she was asked to do on the course .
10 To add to her miserable state a bleak wind had got up , bringing with it a sweet tangy yeast smell that made her stomach roll and cry out .
11 But she 'd like to see him , to try and set her mind at rest .
12 Blinking her eyes rapidly to try and clear her head , Sarah said , ‘ Come inside and I 'll go and look . ’
13 The extensible answer is to try and clear her conscience , to tell
14 Instead of simply going to bed , she insisted on returning , believing that it was her duty to try and fulfil her obligations .
15 By then it was too late to try and change her policy , for the overseer seemed to have taken a real dislike to her , watching for any slip she made , so that he could punish her for being high and mighty as he called it .
16 ‘ Of course , I reserve the right to try and change her mind . ’
17 ‘ I 'm going to feel like an idiot if someone comes and opens that door right now , ’ she muttered , using words like a shield to try and hide her real distress , the real reason she was feeling like an idiot .
18 Her initial action on reaching her room , however , was to sit down by the telephone and to try and concentrate her attention on what she should do now .
19 To try and tempt her appetite because she 's throwing up
20 FENASTRAS has carried out a huge campaign to try and get her released and produce almost weekly protests against her disappearance in the main newspapers of San Salvador .
21 Kate had asked for another day of leave to try and get her family affairs sorted out .
22 They want to try and get her home instead of going in a school .
23 Perhaps they wanted to try and drive her crazy .
24 How contemptible his flight must have appeared to her whom , not long before , he himself had urged not to try and solve her difficulties by running away .
25 And if you 're to try and fill her shoes , which I very much doubt you 'll ever do , but if you 're to be even half the woman that she was , may God have mercy on her , then you 'll need all the reminding I can give you . ’
26 Caro clenched and unclenched her toes in her mother 's too warm slippers .
27 She clenched and unclenched her fists .
28 ‘ Get another , ’ she shouted and carried her burden into the garden .
29 You would have thought Magnus 's mother would have been nice to me but I bet Father had already telephoned and told her lies about me , because she made me wait in the hall until Nanny came to collect me in a taxicab .
30 Only later did she learn that what Rosemary had been doing back in Hazelbury that Saturday when Sebastian had met her had been to come and tell her parents personally that Derek had moved out from the flat they shared and was now living with someone else .
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