Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] is a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ So , all you have to go on is a … ’
2 Each case has an interest all on its own , and each case treated successfully is a triumph to add to his confidence in his own ability , and an experience in the use of his ability that solidifies his own outlook upon the job he is doing .
3 One piece of equipment the Dome has n't had to invest in is a blast chiller since most food is taken from the refrigerator , cooked and served immediately .
4 Given below is a simple worked example of a UK importer sending a payment of $10 000 to the supplier of goods in the USA .
5 Without doubt the water the brood fish are placed in is a vital factor in obtaining a spawning .
6 Research has shown that having someone to talk to and confide in is an important factor in preventing depression .
7 Neatly arranged opposite is an array of samplers , sequencers , drum machines and keyboards — just to prove there 's more to the man than the jingle-jangle of six strings over a pickup .
8 To communicate effectively is an art which also presupposes the ability to listen .
9 May I respond to this , for included within is a reference which is misleading .
10 The citadel is not open to visitors , but the hill it stands on is a good spot to zigzag your way up to , to look out over the town , the river and its basin , and the valleys that go off from it north , south , east and west .
11 Well first of all I 'd like to erm say that erm the last gentlemen who phoned in is a very lucky driver .
12 Most of the work they send in is a bit too obvious . ’
13 The exact form of Economic and Monetary Union was settled at Maastricht with an ‘ opt-in ’ provision for the UK ; whether ( and , if so , when ) the UK will in fact opt in is an intensively political subject outside the scope of this book , although it should be noted that the CBI favours such a union in principle .
14 ‘ The way our supporters have been let down is a disgrace .
15 One difficulty encountered in verifying the explanation proposed above is a pair of sentences with the to infinitive cited by van Ek ( 1966 : 151 ) as examples of " see denoting physical rather than mental perception " : ( 51 ) It ( viz. Mrs B. " s death ) might be soon , for I can see worthy Mrs Bonner to be breaking visibly .
16 Driving home is a dangerous chore .
17 However , the appointment of a receiver must not be equated with that of a liquidator : ( i ) where a receiver is appointed the company need not go into liquidation and if it does the same person who acted as receiver will normally not be appointed liquidator ; ( ii ) liquidation is a class action designed to protect the interests of the unsecured creditors whereas , as we shall see , receivership is designed to protect the interests of the security holders who appointed the receiver and it is for this reason that a receiver can be appointed even where the company is in liquidation ; ( iii ) liquidation terminates the trading power of the company whereas this is not the case with receivership ; ( iv ) a liquidator has power to disclaim onerous property , something not possible in the case of receivership ; ( v ) a liquidator in a compulsory winding up is an officer of the court whereas this is not the case with a receiver unless appointed by the court ; ( vi ) lastly , it is easier to obtain recognition of liquidation as opposed to receivership in proceedings in foreign courts .
18 The simple reason that the PC took so long to catch up is a direct result of its design .
19 So I do n't think the George Street solution that they 're trying to work up is a solution at all .
20 What I want now is a head of department in a really good school , and then I 'd do what our head of department has done .
21 ‘ What I want now is a good scotch and soda to take the taste away .
22 His machinery works , and he even has government approval — all he needs now is a manufacturer .
23 This raid , and the resultant violence on the streets of Brixton , convinced many people that the way policing is carried out is a vital factor in the context of urban unrest .
24 A new point that I would make , however , in many of those arguments which relate to the impossible , or alleged availability of additional windfall sites , and land on the inner greenbelt boundary , but I think the analysis which is er carried out is a simplistic one , because it solely relates to residential land requirements , there is no erm attempt to erm bring into the equation whether there is land available for the related employment necessary for that additional residential development , whether there is land available for schools , shops , and Mr Davis 's recreation uses , and so on , and all those will very considerably increase the amount of land required to be released to support residential development , wherever it is located , and that is something which I believe has not been properly taken into account .
25 All it has now is a mass of blanketweed around the pump ( which works well ) .
26 The methodology used here is a three-stage operation ; first , the binary raster files or single variable files ( SVFs ) are expanded into character form , compressed ( Held 1983 ) , and a row number added ; second , the files area is sorted by the row number so that all records with the same row number are contiguous in the file ; third , a count is made of all the rasters in each row which are simulated to be inside the required areas .
27 The error model used here is an obvious over-simplification of reality .
28 What I want today is a ban on tree felling in old growth and primary forest north and south .
29 Constantly rising profits in what is generally a depressed area , suggest here is a latter day John Moores with a magic formula for success , based on doing the simple things properly .
30 And we 're happy we once again say on the phone , Well what I want tomorrow is a deposit cheque , contract , bankers order and if you 've got copy available I 'll take that a juggle it around as you want .
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