Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] down the " in BNC.

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1 A puff of wind swung it round on its vane , and snatched a bunch of twigs from its beak and sent them twirling slowly down the steeple to the ground at Carol 's feet , where they sank into the snow .
2 Grip lashes with the curlers as close to the roots as possible and hold for five seconds , then repeat halfway down the lashes .
3 As Everton regrouped bad-temperedly , Crystal Palace attacked swiftly down the left , Rodger pulled the ball back from the byline and Coleman sidefooted into an empty net .
4 Some people find it easiest to put the seeds in the palm of their cupped hand whilst gently tapping with the other hand so that the seeds are rolled slowly down the groove formed on the palm .
5 He peered uneasily down the dark tunnel at the end of the platform and remembered something else from their past : Mother Bernie and her holes in the universe , the holes that let the Evil in .
6 She moved stealthily down the hall to the kitchen , her hearing sharpened by fear as she strained to detect even the slightest movement in the old house .
7 He is carried slowly down the centre aisle upon a cushioned palanquin , borne upon the naked shoulders of four local May Queens .
8 FREEZING snow whipped our faces as we peered nervously down the slope .
9 Philip ran down the bracken bank to the gate and watched him run down the field to Mrs Wright who was walking slowly down the field .
10 He stopped halfway down the passage , whirling about to meet her .
11 He moved swiftly down the line of the wall , slowing as he neared its end .
12 They paused a moment longer , then moved further down the gallery , inspecting each exhibit , checking any books which could be the hidden Grimoire .
13 Cram 's club-mate David Sharpe , looking for an 800 metres time inside 1 min 46.2 secs , moved further down the pecking order in the two-lap event after quick times by two of his rivals in Dijon : Wolverhampton 's Steve Heard , who was third in 1 mins 45.65 secs , and Haringey 's David Strang , fourth in 1:45.85 .
14 The mongrel tore savagely at the newspapers and the rat fled further down the alley , desperate for sanctuary .
15 The revolutions in Eastern Europe in 1989 have secured freedom of speech and may cause the UK to slip further down the league table .
16 Nevertheless he moved quickly down the corridors — shabby , ill-lit alleyways which , even at this early hour , were busy — knowing that every minute brought closer the chance of Herrick being warned .
17 Maxim touched George 's arm and they moved carefully down the slope and well upstream from the farm stepped into the stinging cold water .
18 One of the Twins appeared , climbing languidly down the poles of some scaffolding .
19 Summoning all her reserves , she swam forcefully down the whole length of the pool , and back again , gradually realising that she felt fitter than she had done for ages .
20 The conclusion that there was not going to be any hit him at the same time as Rincewind , whirring wildly down the passage , kicked him sharply in the groin .
21 In the process she had made a lightning circumnavigation of the British Isles and was now steaming hard down the west coast while we returned by the eastern route .
22 Family size is shrinking as mothers no longer need large numbers of children to work either down the mines or in the factories ( the machine would take anybody to work for it at first ) or to ensure that a few would survive ; high infant mortality rates are now becoming a thing of the past .
23 Throughout his career he has captured the magic and the frustration of Scottish football , darting arrogantly down the wing in a surge of skill then retreating into a shell of indifference .
24 Toy trucks moved between hangars ; a minute tractor drove slowly down the main runway .
25 He drove slowly down the wide Third Avenue .
26 Liturgical song does matter and has done so down the centuries since the early days of the Church .
27 The mix is pumped gently down the inner tube , out through the bottom and up the outer tube .
28 In the circumstances , Benjamin Titford might have been tempted not to leave his name in the parish register , either , as his bride came gingerly down the aisle bearing his as-yet-unborn son and heir .
29 State-sponsored housing began to reach further down the social scale than previously and house building under subsidy began to increase in the later 1920s .
30 Zambia was answering the robot 's questions about hir gender state when Tammuz sauntered lankily down the colonnaded walkway , hands in pockets .
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