Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [vb base] not " in BNC.

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1 I do n't think so do n't think so .
2 The criteria listed below do not correspond to distinct levels of difficulty , although they represent increasing levels of complexity from 1 to 4 .
3 I 've got to be careful off is use nine because sixty nine tend to go together do n't they ?
4 That 's right and and to er er sort of fogies of my age it does seem a bit strange but these days the video and the recording have got to go together have n't they ?
5 Moreover , the concordance data on twins reared together do not distinguish conclusively between genetic and environmental transmission .
6 I do n't mean players at the end of distinguished careers who go onto the Vancouver Whitecaps so do n't give me Peter Lorimer etc .
7 It looks so do n't it ?
8 Similarly , one can find examples where in the African context , women are the primary producers in agriculture and this non-recognition of this fact has often led to the incongruous situation where strategies erm for change modernisation programmes have erm been directed to me and this erm has meant often the kind of bias in extension services , in training services , has meant that the target group , that is the women towards whom you should really be aiming those programmes , has not have not benefited , and this obviously has detrimental effects on your potential for increasing a casual output and for solving problems of increasing erm productivity and income for these women .
9 that 's it they sleep outside do n't they ?
10 Aye Alison said you want her to come home do n't you ?
11 look at some the points , I 've heard , I 've been heckled yesterday do n't heckle me this week the section of level funding .
12 Because I mean they do n't sort of grow out , they grow up do n't they ?
13 but still they seen checking up do n't they Dr .
14 Oh , well that 's very kind of you , you 've been checking up have n't you , counting off the days on the calendar .
15 Yeah you 'd better check it cos if , those one er pound eighty adds up do n't they ?
16 Well it 's it all adds up do n't it like ?
17 cos they 've come now have n't they ?
18 stands out do n't it ?
19 These craftsman 's evenings tend to get booked out do n't they .
20 er , the , I mean I do n't know what with , well , we 'll see how things go when we 're there , we 're down there , I mean er , er if the snow 's not so good towards the end of the week we 'll , we just head back do n't we ?
21 His words to the policeman were I like driving fast do n't I ?
22 Cos I mean , lots of women have to work today do n't they ?
23 well you 've been occupied here have n't you
24 Well I said listen if you do n't want to come please do n't so I 'm not sure whether they do she said yes yes we 'll come nothing er erm what did they say nothing comes in between so
25 I do n't mind if you write to all the tenants and say please do n't have foxes on your land , we do n't like it .
26 I 've won then have n't I ?
27 In case mister police-y man decides to stop us and say why have n't you put your seat-y belt on Mrs M Mrs woman ?
28 There is an increasing discrimination on my view because of the racism that exists as well as the sexism that exists within our society , and when you say why do n't women do more , the odds against women , particularly black or working class women , are very heavy .
29 As we are examining the case of sequential retrieval before additions , the items given above do not include overflow retrieval .
30 And if the spring is late , like this year , then the supplies of hay that the women gathered all autumn from the steepest slopes where the grass grew longer because it could n't be grazed just do n't last out .
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