Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [prep] place " in BNC.

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1 In fact , the length of time that Standard English has had this status differs widely from place to place : over three hundred years in Jamaica , less than two hundred in Dominica .
2 Sue 's hair was wound onto rollers using the directional technique , following the contours of her head and giving a more natural result by allowing the hair to fall naturally into place .
3 So zinc sulphate gets formed the zil the zinc just goes in in place of that H two .
4 He sat and thought somberly about Kegan , keeping his chin tucked into his neck and his eyes on the toes of his outstretched feet , as people clutching clipboards bustled about , and men wearing earphones and pulling the attached wires behind them moved importantly from place to place and shouted at the invisible listeners who spoke to them through the earphones .
5 Chris believes that it is no accident that many of the herbs which are associated with fish and cooking , such as parsley and fennel , grow better in places where fish have access to them .
6 Mr Palomar , the observer , is a nervous man , living ‘ in a frenzied and congested world ’ ( Calvino 1986 : 4 ) : congested not only with other humans like himself , crowding preferably into places which seem to reflect back at them mute incomprehension of their triumphant ubiquity ( the zoo , the garden of rocks and sand of the Ryoanji of Kyoto ) , but criss-crossed furthermore with signals and signs , simultaneously requiring and resisting interpretation .
7 Press back in place
8 Later the belly bounced back into place .
9 ‘ You must excuse me , ’ croaked the old woman , reaching for her handkerchief — a murky brown item that would not have looked out of place knotted round a leaky sewer pipe — ‘ But you got to laugh sometimes !
10 Her battered , motley-panelled 2CV had looked out of place in Ascot Square , where I think that anything less than a two-year old Golf GTi , Peugeot 209 or Renault 5 was considered to be only just above banger status , even as a third car , let alone a second .
11 She patted him on the shoulder and he drove off as she plumbed her bag for a ring of keys which would n't have looked out of place at Balmoral .
12 While they might have looked out of place next to the modern heavy metal , they are vying for a lucrative market .
13 Th the crime problem , as we 've already said is n't too , too great here but er nevertheless it 's important that we , we er keep our eyes open and try and keep crime out because some of these people that erm are living in the bigger cities that are criminals are now starting to discover that it 's easier to come out to places like Farnsfield and commit the crime , because we , we 're not experienced at it .
14 Its brightly coloured bill and large head make it seem a bit top heavy and the small black tail looks out of place in comparison to the bulky body .
15 The manor always looks out of place to me , a Victorian shooting lodge built in the style of a German castle for the wealthy Kay Shuttleworth family .
16 Structure , condition — and anything that looks out of place . ’
17 I think you should make more effort to find out about places like this , and I think the schools should make an effort to tell you .
18 ‘ Yeah , ’ Laidlaw replied , letting the curtain fall back into place .
19 The Doctor let the wall hanging fall back into place , and hurried out , turning down the hall to the bedroom .
20 Well you 'll see that in that apology Milton appears to be conscious of the very point that I am trying to make , that is to say it might be considered out of place in this prose work to speak of myself in direct factual terms , although a poet — a poet intending to write of things unattempted yet in prose or rhyme — a poet soaring in the high region of his fancies , with his garland and singing robes about him , in other words where we ca n't or are n't really invited to make out his individual identity very clearly because it is his role as poet that concerns us , there he clearly feels it would be proper .
21 He dashes about from place to place and function to function endeavouring to record all aspects of the local scene , trivial as well as tragic .
22 At least there was someone to look after them as they wandered about from place to place .
23 Now , working from inside , cut the security gasket to size and press firmly in place
24 It was a great , pot-bellied thing , its slender spire like an afterthought tagged on untidily , the smooth curve of its central surface pocked where the plaster had fallen away in places , exposing the brickwork .
25 When someone has been asked to make over on death whatever remains of an inheritance , and from the price of objects sold buys other objects , he is not regarded as having diminished [ the estate ] in respect of the objects sold … but the objects thus bought should be made over in place of the ownership which has changed … .
26 Things began fitting damningly into place .
27 Minutes before , a collapsible set had been constructed behind them , a Lib Dem slogan Velcroed carefully in place .
28 Dismantling a number was more demanding : The main difficulty factor here appears to be the need to see a number as made up of place value components rather than viewing numbers as a complete entity .
29 or another remedy to follow after the joint has been reduced ( put back in place ) .
30 Each part must be individually dried off and sprayed with oil to prevent corrosion and then put back in place .
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