Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The NME of this period is a mutant hybrid where reviews of Engelbert Humperdinck , Andy Williams , The Doors and Led Zeppelin sit uneasily side by side on the page .
2 It will be clear that these two dynamical elements , the smooth propagation a la Schrödinger and the discontinuous collapse on making a measurement , sit uneasily side by side .
3 She had travelled somewhere way up north — Newcastle or something .
4 An umbrella stand conversation piece , largely fashioned from the remains of some unfortunate denizen of the rainforest in imperial Ilorin , but lately conquered somewhere north of Lagos , was dappled in a garish replica of its native twilight .
5 It got rather sort of upgraded .
6 Diplock LJ said " A contract in restraint of trade is one in which a party ( the covenantor ) agrees with any other party ( the covenantee ) to restrict his liberty in the future to carry on trade with other persons not parties to the contract in such manner as he chooses " .
7 As UPSs go , the AccuCard is a modest example — there 's not enough battery for you to carry on computing without mains power .
8 The crystallisation of an earlier floating charge does not crystallise a subsequent floating charge since the subsequent chargee may pay off the earlier charge or agree to indemnify the company which continues to carry on business despite the crystallisation of the earlier charge with respect to any liability incurred towards the earlier chargee .
9 In general terms , any group of people wishing to carry on business under English law has to make a choice between three distinct legal forms of organisation , the company , the partnership and a hybrid known as the limited partnership .
10 The Bill would make it illegal to carry on business with tax havens .
11 the Distributor ceasing to carry on business for any reason whatsoever
12 Held , dismissing the appeal , that there was nothing in the policy of the Insolvency Act 1986 that indicated that Parliament intended to give the words ‘ carried on business ’ in section 265(1) ( c ) ( ii ) of that Act a meaning different from that which they had been held to bear in section 4(1) ( d ) of the Bankruptcy Act 1914 ; that a debtor did not cease to carry on business for the purposes of section 265(1) ( c ) ( ii ) until all the trading debts of the business had been paid ; and that , accordingly , the registrar had been right in holding that since the tax liability had not been discharged the debtor was still carrying on business and that he had jurisdiction to make the bankruptcy order ( post , pp. 122B–E , H — 123A ) .
13 A statement in its memorandum of association that the company 's object shall be to carry on business as a general commercial company shall mean that its object is to carry on any trade or business whatsoever , and in such a case the company has power to do all such things as are incidental or conducive to the carrying on of any trade or business by it .
14 A company is allowed to carry on business in the usual way until steps are taken to enforce the charge .
15 Even if your company 's main task is , for example , to carry on business in the chemical industry , this can probably be changed , if you wish to , merely by going to the annual general meeting .
16 A licensing board may grant a provisional licence to the holder of any licence to enable him to carry on business in temporary premises during the reconstruction of his premises .
17 A provisional licence may be granted to enable a licence-holder to carry on business in temporary premises during reconstruction of the licensed premises : s.27 .
18 Nothing arising out of UK membership of the EC , however , requires that the prohibition against the formation of partnerships with foreign lawyers to carry on business within England and Wales be relaxed .
19 Headaches are stupefying , benumbing and bring on confusion of mind .
20 You ca n't , you could n't say right we 'll do a function for hundred and fifty and two hundred , and really to do , you 've got to be looking to do a , a sit down function for two hundred
21 Oh a great help to sandwiches and a sit down meal at dinner at table with the family , it was far better than a dry sandwich eaten in the barn .
22 These reports sent them bustling off to organize air tickets to the head of the Gulf , designating it Persian or Arabian according to the nationality of the airline or the destination selected , to check out the situation and track down flesh with which to clothe the bare bones .
23 Well it 's other people as well I think , but , I believe you do n't have to sit down conversation on your on do you ? .
24 Anderson was booked in the first half for bringing down Marin on a night when the Germans again showed their propensity for going down theatrically under straightforward challenges .
25 Expecting to see only derision in those clear , light eyes , she was surprised to find they held a flicker of unwilling respect , even admiration , but all he said was , ‘ Would you like another brandy ? ’
26 The articulatory loop should also be seldom used since it would slow down processing of a message whose speed is beyond the control of the interpreter .
27 Any bias will slow down movement in one or more directions and produce a tell-tale lurch of the shoulders as the body-weight is shifted .
28 The higher interest rates and credit squeeze control used by the Conservatives did , however , slow down growth in the economy overall .
29 But colour terms frequently qualify only part of the object their head noun denotes ; furthermore , different colour terms may typically apply to different parts , so that , for instance , Mary 's eyes are blue and Mary 's eyes are red are not contraries ( N.B. there is no lexical ambiguity in these sentences ) .
30 I , I do n't often agree with Jim about anything , but I really do agree with him about this , that there has to be some clear guidelines , I think , as to how these are fixed , they are not going be have the potential of being very unfair to people because people operate in different ways in different areas and I would suggest that it would be a good idea if this community were to ask for erm guidelines to be drafted for this committee to agree so that there is a more even fair , laid down procedure for dealing with the cases coming before the panel .
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