Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 By 1926 , the London County Council were insisting that any new cars purchased by adjoining undertakings and intended for through running over their tracks , must conform very closely to their own standard design , namely their ‘ E/1 ’ Class .
2 ‘ Stiff knee , ’ he said , watching for obstacles he might only know about by walking into them .
3 More generally it has meant that although religious freedom is formally guaranteed by the constitution , yet Bibles are unobtainable in bookshops , the printing of Bibles is forbidden , seminaries are rigidly controlled by the state , religious education in schools has been virtually eliminated , church publishing and information is under government control and Christians are discriminated against in gaining admission to colleges and in seeking professions of their choice .
4 The problem we have to grapple with in trying to understand the significance of the events is the contradiction between the ostensibly humanitarian instincts of those who campaigned for legal change , and the controlling impact they had on people 's lives , particularly working-class girls and homosexuals .
5 A large spreadsheet can be made much easier to work with by breaking it up into logical pieces on several pages of a notebook .
6 Rayleen looked at him as if he 'd dropped from behind peeling wallpaper .
7 And I think er w we 're concerned that erm the the case presented by the county has in in concentrating on migration , perhaps they have n't have n't fully expanded on on the points that they 've raised in document N Y eleven .
8 The definition of ‘ consecutive ’ or ‘ non-selected ’ asthmatics was strictly adhered to by excluding from the study all those referred for investigation because of gastrointestinal signs or symptoms .
9 Erm the the particular case of Richmondshire having been referred to I I felt I ought to point that er we 're quite content with the concept of Policy E two as giving the strategic weight to the question of protecting the open countryside and the balance , the very difficult balance , decisions that we and other authorities are going to have to come to in preparing our local plan .
10 All of this can come as no surprise , since one of the greatest difficulties which confronts the medical legal commentator in dealing with the treatment of the terminally ill is that techniques and technology have developed and changed with such rapidity in the past decade or so that it is only vaguely that the problems are perceived , let alone responded to by developing a general consensus in the form of law .
11 Environmental concerns have been responded to by embarking on a halon replacement programme and developing a range of ‘ environmentally friendly ’ alternatives to these ozone depletant systems .
12 The figures that er Mr Steel referred to on commuting flows neglect to refer to the inflow of commuters , the figures that I 've used are a net is a net figure which reflects outflow and inflow .
13 I am no molecular biologist , and would n't have dreamed of learning the techniques required to detect the immediate early genes , if it had n't been for the serendipitous arrival in the lab of a young molecular biologist from Moscow , Kostya Anokhin ( grandson of the psychologist and physiologist pupil of Pavlov , Peter Anokhin , whose ‘ functional systems theory ’ I referred to in passing in Chapter 9 ) .
14 This , however , must be looked at with regard to aspects of employment law .
15 The reading and writing of whole numbers was looked at by asking pupils to write in numerals a number presented in words .
16 The best method the Mafia can think of for distributing its heroin in America is a chain of pizza parlours , where the sons of top mafiosi are frequently offered jobs as a favour to their fathers .
17 Textual studies have aesthetic implications in the end , which is the best reason we can think of for carrying on with them .
18 The space in front of St Giles may well be a different matter , but is the ubiquitous British bollard all we can think of for making the space more significant ?
19 In all we promise the publick to be as careful as possible not to lead them into mistakes , nor will we mention any particular tree , plant , flower or fruit which is not in our own garden … we do not propose to mention many different species of trees and plants that are either in the public Botanick Garden , nor that may be in the possession of some curious gentlemen , but only such as are actually in the nurseries of persons belonging to this Society and from where any Gentleman may be furnished with any of the particulars here treated of by directing their letters for the Society of Gardeners at Newhall 's Coffee House in Chelsea , Nr .
20 The old , and now much condemned , low-carbohydrate method of dieting had much to answer for in making social eaters fat .
21 You should indicate the aspects of your background which the interviewer is looking for without rambling on about things which are irrelevant .
22 This gave it a weird , lop-sided look and might have made it unstable had that not been compensated for by putting the hold forward .
23 This can be compensated for by applying a correction based on the knowledge of the appropriate Mark-Houwink relations for each , the standard and the unknown , measured in the solvent used for elution .
24 The effect of this is that while financial intermediaries have been given greater freedom to broaden the range of financial services they may offer , this relaxation has been compensated for by regulating each individual sector more thoroughly .
25 The relative lack of equivalent material on RENFE ( reflecting , among other things , the newness of the tradition of democratic scrutiny in Spain ) was partly compensated for by carrying out additional interviews .
26 You only turn to it as people climb mountains and cross deserts — to find out what you are made of by doing what you hardly dare to do .
27 You 're in the mood for a long spell at the crease , but the penis decides that it ca n't wait to get the game over and done with before heading back to the pavilion to put its feet up on the couch .
28 Rather than losing a life when he comes into contact with a creature , Egor merely becomes more frightened until , when the bar representing his fear level reaches its limit , he screams and pops his clogs ( something I can identify with after seeing my caricature , as created by the evil hand of our Art Editor ) .
29 Slick or style for the daytime with Protective Hair Milk ( £12 ) , then wash with After Swimming Hair Care Shampoo ( £15 ) .
30 ‘ You should 'ave seen 'em tonight — all done up like poncin' poll-parrots .
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