Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] he would " in BNC.

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1 In September 1814 he declared in his diary that when he became rich he would hire figure painters .
2 And given that it was Godolphin himself who supplied these items — most were simply terrestrial trivia , revered in the Dominions because of their place of origin — and given that he would not cease to do so as long as the fever of collection was upon him and he could exchange such items for artifacts from the Imajica , Peccable 's business would flourish .
3 Executions are easily exaggerated , but the Encomiast 's statement that many English leaders were killed with Eadric , and that of the later Evesham chronicle that many of his soldiers died too , are quite plausible , given that he would have had powerful henchmen whom it was doubtless politic to eliminate .
4 So , given that he 'd always have to keep a foot in England , if only during the cricket season , and given that as long as he kept a presence here he would be answerable to the Society , he had to face them .
5 Given that he 'd stay under water in a seaway for at least some weeks , the face would be more or less unrecognisable even if he were washed ashore somewhere later on .
6 Mr Yeltsin made clear he would not contemplate any reduction in his powers and that his government would stick to its monetarist path , albeit with greater emphasis on social protection for the hardest hit .
7 Mr Yeltsin made clear he would not contemplate any reduction in his powers and that his government would stick to its monetarist path , albeit with greater emphasis on social protection for the hardest hit .
8 Mr Yeltsin made clear he would not contemplate any reduction in his powers and that his government would stick to its monetarist path , albeit with greater emphasis on social protection for the hardest hit .
9 ‘ Sometimes , if he got bored he would just come up and start reciting .
10 Then when the silence became uncomfortable he would reach into his pocket for his wallet .
11 If he had really done that he would have been dragged before a disciplinary hearing . ’
12 ‘ I knew if my keeper had done that he would have been off , too — it 's the law of the land these days . ’
13 Then the king 's son was so sorry for what he had done that he would willingly have died too , if it would have brought her back to life .
14 Then he 'd have a , then when he 'd done that he 'd have a erm , oh I think they used to call it a a wax ball , er to rub round the end of the sole and have a an iron that he would rub this wax into the seam between your your your shoe itself and the leather to seal that off and make it waterproof .
15 For him to have done this he would have had to deny the teaching of the Old Testament .
16 A second minister , Padraig Flynn , responsible for the environment , who had also made clear he would vote against Haughey , was dismissed on Nov. 8 .
17 Mr Lamont said he had made clear he would recoup the cost when he abolished car tax .
18 It seemed impossible he would escape detection , and with each yard he covered he expected the alarm to be raised from within the house .
19 Part of him was coldly aware of the bulge in Doyle 's pocket — the gun which had made sure he would not scream and beg for help .
20 His hold on her had slackened slightly , but she did n't feel sure he 'd let her escape without an undignified fight , so she did n't push her luck .
21 When she died , a couple of years later , he was so heartbroken that he made sure he would share her final resting place at the Downs Crematorium in Bear Road when he , too , was laid to rest .
22 meant us to vote Labour he 'd have
23 Martinho was , as I learned later and surmised then , himself vulnerable — he had his uses , and therefore power and influence , but as soon as he became dispensable he 'd reap the consequences of any ill-considered actions , such as this .
24 My dad had a problem saying broken he 'd probably say , Broken .
25 Ponyboy feels he should become tough to fit in with his friends , but soon realises that by doing this he would never achieve a better life .
26 He was already jealous of the easy friendship between the sailor and Wirth-Miller and was wounded by the remark that what Denis could have free he would have to pay for .
27 It seems likely he would have said they did .
28 Middlesbrough Labour candidate Stuart Bell revealed they had been told there was a waiting list of several months but his parents were advised he was going deaf and if he went private he would be in hospital within three weeks .
29 Should it go wrong he would be expected to mend it : he was a musician , not a mechanic .
30 Had Kant believed this he would have been quick to point it out ; but he does not .
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