Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] side to " in BNC.

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1 Juliet felt she was seeing another side to her mother , sensitive , vulnerable , and brave .
2 Bishop Konstant told the TV reporter : ‘ It is an area where there are great needs , as there are in many parts of Leeds , great social needs — but I think the publicity it has been getting recently is quite unbalanced and it is a good thing to see another side to it .
3 The treaty limited each side to no more than 2,400 intercontinental launching vehicles and heavy bombers until 1981 , and to 2,250 thereafter until the treaty expired in 1985 .
4 A recent experiment , however , confirms that birds can learn the habit by imitation , and also adds another side to the story .
5 The economic internationalization of the media — a process which reaches its apotheosis with satellite broadcasting — has another side to it , and that is the use of media output , notably television output , e.g. Dallas , internationally .
6 But then Barry has more sides to him than the Sunday Football League .
7 Wittgenstein 's contribution to ‘ dissolving ’ the ‘ Other Minds ’ problem has two sides to it : one negative , an attack on the experiential explanation of the meaning of pain-language in terms of ‘ the feeling itself ’ ; and one positive , a fact-presupposing explanation of the meaning of pain-language .
8 Media , too , has two sides to it : planning and buying .
9 Every man has two sides to his character .
10 Most friends acknowledge two sides to a complex persona : the serious historian , devotee of Mrs Thatcher , bent on reshaping Britain ; and the uncontrollable , overgrown schoolboy with a ‘ Daddy complex ’ , endowed — in a friend 's phrase — with a ‘ maniacal desire for self-publicity ’ .
11 START committed both sides to the following provisions :
12 The most significant single development at the summit was the signing of a Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty which committed each side to a reduction of 30 per cent in its stock of weapons .
13 They may contrast new information with old information , or put another side to the argument ( or , on the other hand , however , conversely ) .
14 New songs like ‘ Angel ’ show another side to Into Paradise , with its slow burning atmospherics forming a stark contrast to the bulk of their material .
15 At Louis Carré & Cie curves of white-painted knotted gauze reveal another side to the artist Christian Jaccard , best known for his mainly oval ‘ ignigraphs ’ .
16 And even if the Host is still able to hope that the Monk will show another side to his character as a tale-teller , the Monk will not , and retreats into a sort of sulky silence after being interrupted and asked for something less serious : The Monk as a character is explicitly and repeatedly compared and contrasted with the teller who succeeds him , the Nun 's Priest .
17 The pleasures can be for yourself : experimenting with make-up and clothes , looking different from one day to the next , expressing different sides to yourself .
18 ‘ I suppose I 've seen another side to David Markham since I 've been working with him . ’
19 In January 1991 a peace accord between the government and the FMLN committed both sides to a series of agreements on human rights .
20 Those early press conferences showed another side to him .
21 ‘ I think it shows another side to them .
22 As usual I watched and wondered and defended one side to the other .
23 ‘ The monument wo n't be finished till the millennium , but it gives another side to American his-story … this is our-story .
24 IT IS typical of the contrary nature of things that just as the impression grows that Rangers will progress inevitably to a higher plane and leave lesser sides to their own devices , along come Airdrie , all skint knees and sweat , to sow a couple of doubts .
25 The prize pupil , however , turned out to have another side to his character , and others took his place on the platform on prize day .
26 James Roose-Evans remembered another side to the young actor 's personality .
27 There is considerable suspicion and mistrust between many health services and local authorities , but a real commitment to the needs of society 's most vulnerable members could drive both sides to a fresh start .
28 Although there was no common intention expressed by the parties at Geneva , he deduces their intention from the wording of the Protocol : the opening words of Article 1 of Protocol II , the fact that the rebels must have achieved a degree of organisation before the Protocol can be activated , and Article 6 ( 5 ) of the Protocol all demonstrate an intent to bind both sides to the conflict .
29 Because the need for high PIP remained unchanged , we believe that in these cases there was preferential distribution of surfactant into one lung exposing that side to increased barotrauma .
30 The agreement , which came after five hours of talks , established ceilings for NATO and the Warsaw Pact countries which restricted each side to 20,000 tanks , 20,000 artillery pieces and 30,000 fighting vehicles .
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