Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [adv] than " in BNC.

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1 While S & N has announced itself ‘ perfectly happy ’ with the way things have gone since the switch and said it had been successful , some observers are convinced that operating costs have increased substantially and cite political rather than cost or environmental reasons behind the decision .
2 Some changes , however , were made in the draft to satisfy those who had challenged it in this way : union republics were given eleven rather than seven seats each in the Supreme Soviet 's Council of Nationalities and ex officio places on the Committee of Constitutional Supervision , and changes of wording were made in order to remove what Gorbachev described as the ‘ misunderstanding ’ that the rights of republics had been infringed .
3 Nor did the Socialists abandon political appointments ; indeed , the growing number of party activists occupying senior management posts in public enterprises ( see Diario 16 , 30 January 1985 ) illustrated the government 's belief that the introduction of its policies of commercialism was an operation demanding political rather than purely managerial skill .
4 involves hypothetical rather than real choices .
5 A report commissioned in March [ see p. 38822 ] published on July 2 described LMX underwriters as showing " seriously flawed " judgment in assessing the risks involved , while the repeated reinsurance risks of other Lloyd 's syndicates meant that risks became concentrated rather than spread across the market .
6 Dr Marshall , 60 , said it was disgraceful that she had been given little more than 48 hours to tidy her office .
7 These amount to rich pickings , given that more than 20m British households have a garden .
8 When recounting this incident in his published memoirs Lehmann added , ‘ But in later years these demonstrations became painful rather than exhilarating to take part in . ’
9 Hence the owner also would find it worthwhile acceding to contract 2 rather than contract 1 .
10 A number of possible reasons have been identified for the rapid expansion of private sector residential care : the increase in the numbers of very old people , the reduction in long-stay hospital provision , cuts in local authority spending , and finally , the ‘ perverse incentives ’ of the social security system that encourages residential rather than community care .
11 Children after the age of 2 are often so keen to prove their own independence and ability that they feel they know much better than their parents and so argue or ignore parents ' normal requests .
12 As a result of these tendencies , the market structure of the eurobond market has generally been categorised as competitive — although such aspects as product differentiation , growth maximising strategies and the inability of a firm to gain infinite demand for its services if it sells at below market prices suggest imperfect rather than perfect competition ( firms do not compete on price alone ) .
13 Another second Forest player seemed to go in then I do n't know whether it was him that caught Speedy rather than Cooper with the initial challenge .
14 Igo by what looks good rather than ‘ what 's in ’ .
15 Edith Cresson was 58 in January ; she is a grandmother but , judging by photographs taken at the outset of her long career , she looks better now than she did then .
16 No species alive today has many more than two hundred legs and some have as few as eight .
17 Some possibilities are : • The patient , particularly in an intensive care unit which has artificial rather than natural lighting , is in an environment that is poor with respect to natural time-cues .
18 AS POST-DINOSAUR Jr popthrash becomes increasingly stuck in a rut of adolescent whining and indolence , it comes as a refreshing change to find a band who actually appear angry rather than mildly upset with their lot .
19 Essentially , then , comparative industrial relations is a systematic method of investigation relating to two or more countries which has analytic rather than descriptive implications .
20 These additional educational requirements are considered essential rather than beneficial for mentally handicapped children .
21 To account for this , we would need first of all to explain how the form how about VERBing is more or less restricted to usages in suggestions ( again , this looks like a linguistic form that has pragmatic rather than semantic content , a problem discussed in Chapter 5 ) .
22 Buckey was retried on eight charges , although the proceedings lasted less than 12 weeks and involved 40 rather than the 124 original witnesses .
23 The only dabbling duck of the region with sexes alike and no obvious speculum ; like a rather large longer-necked greyish duck Teal ( p. 55 ) , with a dark mark through the eye and contrasting pale lower face ; head shaggy rather than crested ; tail white Drake has a weak nasal squeak , duck a double whistle .
24 Managers are often shrieking you know about what 's happening next rather than you know , all their players are jumping with joy all over each other and you think and they 're saying get in your positions .
25 According to Computer Reseller News , the new generation machines will be highly parallel systems using hundreds rather than thousands of processors in massively parallel configurations .
26 The long-term nature of the programmes imposes evolutionary rather than revolutionary change .
27 I , I ca n't do that more than twice a week .
28 When faced with one ‘ old boy type ’ executive' who on meeting her with a view to beginning an assignment declared that there was no place for women in his business , she announced that as he was obviously only looking for someone just like himself , he could do that better than she could .
29 Our aim so far has been to show that the " stylistic variant " view of style , which supports the dualist 's conviction that style can be distinguished from message , can lead to a more precise understanding of what it means for a writer to choose this rather than that way of putting things .
30 We believe that results can only be properly evaluated if the problems connected with the study are made manifest rather than concealed .
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