Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] some [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 Filter tip cigarettes , which account for some 97% of cigarettes sales in the UK , yield less tar than plain cigarettes although some filter brands yield more carbon monoxide .
2 Abu Dhabi has major oil reserves which account for some 8% of
3 All the major firms in the industry are members of the SWA , who consider they account for some 98% of the industry 's employment .
4 Icing for covering cakes can be quite stiff , although a little liquid glucose ( about 1 teaspoon to 450g/1lb icing sugar ) could be added for some softness .
5 ISPRA , the EEC 's main nuclear research establishment , is now certain to be a ‘ favoured competitor ’ in an orgy of bidding for some £300 million worth of EEC-funded research into fusion technology that is now getting under way .
6 It looks like some people going into the park lately .
7 ‘ Oh , I just bumped into some people , who knew some people … .
8 He bumped into some people waiting to join the queue for the seats in the reception area ( ha ; he 'd got in just before the rush ! ) , and went out through the doors back to the street and the bright sunlight .
9 Is it the opportunity to slip in some data that are not strong enough to form a peer-reviewed paper or the liberty to digress and speculate which entices authors ?
10 Oil accounted for over 60% of demand in 1983 but this proportion will fall to some 55% by the end of the century due to the faster rate of increase in demand for gas and coal .
11 Microsoft Corp 's new Windows NT is not only a challenge to OS/2 — which Microsoft originally developed jointly with IBM Corp but has since abandoned — but also Unix , which is now installed on some 24m workstations .
12 From a hefty £685 million in 1979 , their combined share wealth rose to some £6.7 billion when Mrs Thatcher left office , a ten-fold increase easily beating the 240% increase in the cost of living .
13 That 's been partially responded to some people suspect for political reasons and rushing to that on report and I think we need to consider that in a more way .
14 The former head of the Toko commodity trading company was arrested on Sept. 18 on charges relating to some £32,200,000 of fraudulent dealings involving fictitious futures contracts .
15 It was forecast that by the close of 1991 the revenue from sales worldwide of CD-ROM hardware and software would have amounted to some $3.2 billion of which the title component would be $2.3 billion , a proportion which would steadily increase .
16 America 's household and ( non-financial ) corporate debt stands at some 130% of GNP .
17 Cray Research Inc , which says its scaled down C90s ( see front ) start at $3.25m , reports that it has taken five orders for the smaller systems and is in discussions with more than a dozen other prospects ; an eight-processor version C98 will be leased to the San Diego Supercomputer Center in the fourth quarter ; the model starts at some $12m .
18 Oil demand in Europe will probably fall by some 7% between 1983 and the end of the century , reducing its share of total energy consumption from 48% in 1983 to 35% in the year 2000 .
19 Energy demand is likely to increase by some 90% in the Middle East over the rest of the century as industrialisation continues in the major oil exporters .
20 He could think of some people who 'd say she 'd told him nothing he did n't already know and offer a few hundred francs .
21 If you carried it too green , erm I ca n't remember that happening to our but I 've heard of some people , having to cut a shaft down into the stack you know .
22 Edward , whose joyful encounter with Joan de Warenne had given him a further reason for wishing to gain his freedom , sought for some means of contacting his mother .
23 To illustrate the points made above some data obtained from a study of the occurrence of clear and foggy days in the area of Los Angeles , California , carried out by Gong-Yuh Lin ( 1981 ) , are used as an example .
24 As with shortsight , diabetes , epilepsy and many other diseases or conditions , it happens in some people but not in others .
25 It is quite possible that trace minerals and access to plants not available the rest of the year are essential for the fertilisation , hatching and development of fry in some species of fish that have proved difficult to breed in the past .
26 This recognition with a ‘ bite ’ appears to lead in some people to an endless search for higher status and/or higher achievement , especially among professionals and sub-professionals in the middle socio-economic groups .
27 ‘ This equates to some £18 million this year , ’ he said .
28 I think he had been listening to some people in the dale who had missed out on the shoot and the money that went with it , and were critical , or pretended to be critical , of people who worked for Sir Emmanuel and the other toffs — maybe a bit left wing , although Stanley was n't a person who took any interest in politics .
29 All told , the borough conducted 592 swap deals , related to some £6 billion of underlying debt , far more than the council had actually borrowed .
30 But mind you , according to some people it was virtually impossible for him to beget any bastards , but still .
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