Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] be at " in BNC.

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1 Selecting the ‘ Ultra-Low ’ facility releases a forceful bass sound , designed to be at its most effective when using the low E and B on a 5 or 6-string .
2 The Kings did not need to be at their pearly best to win 111-77 .
3 Dutchman Marcel Albers , who won the first race at Donington , compatriot Oswaldo Negri and Belgian Mikke Van Hool were all slightly quicker in testing during the week so de Ferran will need to be at peak to clinch top spot , as he twice did for Edenbridge Racing last year .
4 The placing of the concept of the Created God entirely in that period of the earth 's history which follows the advent of life , means that science and religion do not need to be at variance .
5 Shelves , if made of wood , will need to be at least three-quarters of an inch thick and preferably a little more ; and they should be supported every three feet or so .
6 Maybe Vic is right after all , we do need to be at our best .
7 ‘ There is a hunger and commitment within this Maghery side and Clans will need to be at their best , I reckon , ’ he points out .
8 Spartak have a good reputation away from the Lenin Stadium and the Kop will need to be at its most intimidating to be of any help to a Liverpool side whose only consistency this season has been their inconsistency .
9 We always promised to be at each other 's wedding , and if I do n't turn up she 'll be upset .
10 The lesson , the drama , the learning all appear to be at risk because of the relative lack of structure .
11 Various factors thus appear to be at the root of the inner city problem , many of them similar in nature to those behind the problems underlying the North-South divide .
12 This means that policy implementation may require bargaining and dealing between agencies , and that therefore considerations may be brought into the inter-policy relationship that are very much wider than the ones that appear to be at stake .
13 Situations occur where trade union negotiators set targets for achievement of these goals which appear to be at odds with the targets set by management for the organisation ( and its employees ) .
14 It is only the Lancastrians who appear to be at all sun-wary .
15 It seems likely that Fahreddin Acemi was indeed muderris at Murad II 's Darulhadis , but the evidence on this point , which comes from the biography of Molla Ala " al-Din Ali al- " Arabi ( Molla Arab ) , is not altogether firm since Taskopruzade and Mecdi appear to be at odds on the matter .
16 With Robin Smith and Graeme Hick first Test certainties , the vacancies now appear to be at Nos 5 and 6 .
17 To adapt the old joke , there appear to be at least eight separate opinions detectable in the summary and seven individual assessments occupy all but 38 paragraphs .
18 CHICKEN sales are expected to be at least double those of turkey this Easter and in an attempt to close the gap , the British Turkey Federation are spending £100,000 on a national press campaign stressing ‘ British turkey get 's everyone 's vote ’ .
19 Mr Upham , 45 , was at Labour 's campaign headquarters when police broke the news to him and was not expected to be at last night 's count .
20 Of the 35,000 who have been accepted , about 26,000 are expected to be at the start and these will include one of Britain 's most famous athletes , David Bedford , who has slimmed down for his first big race since he retired 11 years ago .
21 The circumstances and experiences of life create ever more diversity and certainly by the time old age is reached , differences can be expected to be at their most extreme .
22 But she confirmed that he was expected to be at the match .
23 Although the machine , which is designed to read hand print but not cursive writing , is expected to be at the Spring Consumer Electronics Show in Chicago , it is not expected to be available until early next year .
24 Women and girls were not expected to go off after work and sing in choirs or play games — they were expected to be at home catching up on household chores .
25 Hence staff sample covertly where they can , without gaining access to the discharger 's premises ; or they sample at night or weekends when they are not expected to be at work , and any routine sampling done during the day is never by appointment :
26 Particular attention will be paid to forwarding agents in inland areas where route choices via seaports could be expected to be at a maximum : ie the Midlands in England , eastern France , south-western Federal Republic of Germany , and Switzerland .
27 The FAO said that the annual maize harvest in 11 countries was expected to be at least 25 per cent down and that countries which would normally export maize , notably South Africa and Zimbabwe , would themselves be seeking imports of the regional staple .
28 Next year 's meeting is to be held in June 1992 in Glasgow , where environmental lobbying is expected to be at such a pitch that delegations may find it politically impossible to approve any renewal of large-scale hunting .
29 COUNCIL tax bills in Darlington are expected to be at least £75 more than the Government 's projections , councillors heard yesterday .
30 Leaders Birkenhead St. Mary 's expect to be at full strength for their local derby at Bromborough Pool .
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