Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] it you " in BNC.

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1 and you 're going , you asked for it you guys , you asked for it
2 Well er I 'd like I 'd still like time to er think about it you know .
3 I was just going to say that being a photographer , we find that more and more people come with their mothers instead of the fiance whenever they 're going to get married , and it is all the time , the mother has a big say in it you know , instead of the couple .
4 If you slip on it you are not going to stop unless you have a lot of experience and practice using an ice pick . ’
5 After a flight to the east , your body is behind the new local time and to adjust to it you will have to advance your body clock .
6 That would be added to it you see .
7 That would be added to it you see .
8 I 'd like to see what hard nosed er B A I E people would make of it you know people who are making a living from doing the same well you know when I employ somebody coming into the business this is what I want them to be able to do um this has always been of course an a criticism
9 er , now he does n't like to talk about it you see , and I said to him one day look Paul for god sake , oh , he 'll tell his mum , but he does n't like to talk about it to me
10 Sometimes you can see the results of this decay on the corporation landscape — scaffolding canopies thrown around the base of tower blocks to catch falling concrete , the cracked and corroded corners which drop off like snow , but unless you are looking for it you do n't notice it .
11 How do you feel about it you feel fairly happy with it ?
12 It is a relief to me to take up this pen and sit at a table and endeavour to sort out what I feel pressing in upon me and to know that if sense can be made of it you will make it .
13 okay , it is where the trouser crease meets the line of the groin and it 's skin deep , okay , so you 'll pushing onto it you 'd probably have to put your two fingers and a pad and your knuckles right in there , alright and you 'll feel it yourself best when you 're lying down and your knee just up like that , that 's when you can feel it best because you can push in harder then , cos you 've relaxed your stomach and that 's another tip for putting pressure on it when you 've got somebody who needs that , you need to relax the stomach muscle , but you manage to put pressure up there okay ?
14 No , know what he can do with it you 'll have to hoover up here in a minute Clare , get all this tobacco off , I 'm only joking , girl
15 I mean unless somebody 's living in it you ca n't go in the evenings in the winter can you ?
16 She had told him once as they lay at peace in bed that the sleep after childbirth , an unconsciousness that might only last a split second , was the most complete sleep she had ever known and when you woke from it you felt you had been elsewhere for a hundred years .
17 I put on it you know .
18 We were going to once but when it came to it you did n't have the money for the licence .
19 If it came to it you could keep them at the Chestnuts over the road .
20 If you if you skimp on it you get a rubbish mark you have .
21 But with a computer right scan it and i if take erm picked a note or whatever you wan na do to it you 've done it .
22 You know yesterday I was I was listening over it you know so I could write the people who I 'd spoken to yeah .
23 I never saw that it was quite in balance , but you know you just , it 's a case , if somebody else does n't do something and you ca n't stand looking at it you will get on and do it ,
24 You used to hear about it you know .
25 But you know Mr I I do n't believe in these average earnings , average business , Oh yes there is correctness the accountants will vouch for it you see ?
26 He said do n't , if you look after it you know , it 's a does the colour change in it ?
27 It does n't half sound like it you know !
28 I mean it would n't be the truth but you , if they did n't look into it you could say it could n't you ?
29 No , he would n't have agreed with it you know but
30 ‘ Your concern does you credit , and I 'll see to it you have a few things wrapped up for the poor woman when you go to see her . ’
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