Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] my [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The three newspapers I took were sticking through my front door , which was at the side of the house .
2 They were either bought in by Don Bennett himself , and there were very few of those that got through my fine mesh , or those who were somehow or other forced on us by agencies over which we had no control .
3 The two books I have chosen to compare for my English open study are ‘ To kill a Mockingbird ’ by Harper Lee and ‘ The Disappearance ’ by Rosa Guy .
4 Guess who baby sits for my full-time working daughter ?
5 I asked for my ham-and-tomato sandwich .
6 She maintained links with the Quakers but made a point of religious independence : ‘ As I am not a member of any community , no society can answer for my irregular conduct . ’
7 Twenty years later he could still recall the event : ‘ I can think about my loyal dog buried in the snow , ’ ( Death Of A Lady 's Man ) .
8 and when you try t in the past when I tried to find some way of imposing discipline , there is no way because quite rightly , you 're not allowed to strike children , I never wanted to and I I hardly ever did at one school where there was a marvellous spirit of give and take I used to whip off my little black velvet slipper occasionally and whack some of the larger boys about the top of the thigh .
9 Martinho , too , sensing what the rules of disengagement from the deathbed were going to be , allowed them to have their fun , or the priestly hypocrite he 'd been in the jungle — got his kicks out of the spectacle , what he might regard as my just deserts for my equivocal behaviour toward him in those nightmare days .
10 May the vilest nastiness be uttered after my humble name
11 ‘ If I tell — they will kill Liam and point out that he 's had to suffer for my stubborn principles .
12 When I reached Denis 's , I 'd almost forgotten about my brassy hair .
13 Of course , they did n't fall for my cursed excuse , so I then tried going into sharp reverse to avoid the dreaded twice-weekly occurrence .
14 I shall always be grateful to Mr Rocke for his ready help and understanding during my early days at Thurnscoe .
15 No matter how much I hate — them — I will never root for my beloved Leeds to lose , even if it was to indirectly win the scum a treble .
16 This was surely the lesson of the Macdonald Inquiry 's critique of antiracist education at Burnage High School , and this is what I have tried to indicate through my critical interrogations of the theoretical and pedagogical foundations of multiculturalism and antiracism — especially in relation to the multifaceted nature of racism and the complexities of its intersection with gender and class ( see also Cohen and Rattansi , 1991 ) .
17 Therefore , the time has come for my right hon. Friend to exercise our 40 per cent .
18 She had on several occasions fobbed off my clumsy advances with great ease and much friendliness .
19 I think you are especially wonderful , the way you are so understanding about my odd career .
20 Musical ‘ jam sessions ’ ( commonly known as making a row ) , singing nursery rhymes , silly dancing around the house is included as my favourite therapy .
21 ‘ Perhaps I am atoning for my misspent youth , ’ he replied amiably .
22 What do you know of my inner torment ?
23 Reminded of my defunct parent , I said , ‘ Father believed in the Resurrection . ’
24 Mr Stott 's workshop was actually on the Roman Wall and every time I cast , or see my rod bend in anger , I am reminded of my beautiful Northumberland home .
25 I thank my right hon. Friend for what he has just said about the vile allegations and lies against my hon. and learned Friend — I use both words advisedly — the Member for Leicester , West ( Mr. Janner ) .
26 At the moment it looks like my usual stint of ironing on Thursday and shopping on Friday are the main fixtures , but anything can happen before then .
27 That counts against my social security . "
28 sorry Crowston may I have a cigarette to put , place behind my left earhole then ? , thank you
29 Something moved against my sandalled foot .
30 With a balloon bobbing against my left shoulder and sand blowing over my boots , I opened my presents — a hot-water bottle and a small canister of shaving foam from Joan , and the book of Job and a miniature of whisky from my parents .
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