Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] if [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Goyescas , where one piano plays as if there were three .
2 But if the child is never born alive , things will remain as if it had never existed .
3 His eyes bulged as if they were coming out of his head .
4 Some players find Goblins hard to use because they imagine they are fighters and commit them to combat as if they were Orcs .
5 Almost all her errors here were regularisations : for example , she read have as if it rhymed with ‘ cave ’ , lose as if it rhymed with ‘ hose ’ , own as if it rhymed with ‘ down ’ , and steak as if it rhymed with ‘ beak ’ .
6 Despite adequate possession , Leicester had rarely threatened to pierce a Tranmere defence who fought as if they were also involved in the top of the table excitement .
7 It was disguised as if it were some form of regional assistance , whereas it was bailing out uneconomic , old industries which ought to have been modernised .
8 Her body arched like the curve of a gondola 's prow , her eyes flashing as if they were fashioned from steel .
9 Despite the early hour , the eunuchs were all dressed and painted as if they were about to go out to a late-night nautch .
10 Do n't get me wrong , I like flashy bass playing and it would be wrong for me to sound as if I did n't approve ; it 's just that these kind of situations are always a trade-off .
11 I do n't want to sound as if I have n't got sympathy with people 'cause I know it 's bloody hard , but I know a lot of blacks who use it [ blackness ] as an excuse and we 've got to be careful that we do n't use it like that .
12 ‘ I do n't want to sound as if I 'm going to break into a chorus of ‘ Tears Of A Clown ’ , but I 'm depressed like anyone else is depressed .
13 One very quick point , sorry erm I do n't want to sound as if I feel I can but er I welcome your comment at the beginning the condition be be left out on what 's going on because I thought this was actually the key function of this committee and I mean I see these are being decision has been taken .
14 This type of noise is often from a diff and travels down the tubular propshaft to sound as if it comes from the gearbox and gets louder as the roadspeed increases .
15 ‘ A young friend of ours , ’ I said , trying to sound as if it was the most natural thing in the world that we should be sitting here , holding hands .
16 I asked , trying not to sound as if it were a matter of life and death .
17 Claudia said , trying to sound as if it were of no real interest to her .
18 ‘ You 're really thirty , ’ said Catriona , trying to sound as if she were pretending she did n't believe it .
19 I wondered if she really felt strongly about this or if it was just a habit to sound as if she did .
20 He always rides as if he were winning the St Leger .
21 Well , I accused you of reacting as if I was a leper .
22 Now , for reasons she still could n't fully fathom , she was lifting curtains to reveal all to a man who was , in truth , little more than a stranger — and he was reacting as if he were a long-lost brother .
23 This involves stimulating a female cat that is on heat with a glass rod , so that her body is fooled into reacting as if she has been mated by a tom-cat .
24 For Jane , that slice of life evaporated as if it had never existed .
25 As regards Goody 's sharp distinction between oral and literate cultures , it demonstrates not only that the social reality does not correspond to this ‘ great divide ’ but also that developing a model which enables one to proceed as if it did so is not the only or most fruitful way of proceeding .
26 Although we spoke English and they spoke English , our verbs , our pronouns and prepositions seemed to be examined as if they were foreign .
27 The Snotlings will not move until they are able to move within 12″ of a friendly Orc or Goblin unit , and if charged by enemy troops they are automatically broken as if they had failed a panic or fear test .
28 Another , eight months before the murder , reads : ‘ I wish Alison could just disappear as if she never existed ’ .
29 The flames seemed to flicker as if someone was moving about on the island .
30 Using each hand alternately , take hold of the flesh with the whole palm of your hand and fingers , pull away from the bone and squeeze as if you were kneading dough .
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