Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [Wh adv] the " in BNC.

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1 It may well be , however , that this approach misses important explanatory factors which account for why the military-industrial complex has developed .
2 Mildly , he said , ‘ If you insist on facing things , why not think about how the way you 've behaved hardly leads me to think on you as a sensitive soul .
3 With his by now legendary disregard for anything current which was n't The Smiths or his personal protégé ( the superb Easterhouse fell in his favour at this time ) , Morrissey performed ceremonial destruction with Sade , Style Council , Ultravox , Carmel , Genesis , Marilyn and , ironically enough , Blue Rondo who by this time were probably bragging about how The Smiths once supported them ; poetic justice indeed .
4 To recommend what , in general terms , pupils need to know about how the English language works and in consequence what they should have been taught , and be expected to understand , on this score , at ages 7 , 11 and 16 . ’
5 I knew now that I might have been foolish to have expected so much from Waite , but he had been the only person who 'd been willing to treat both kidnappers and hostages as human beings and to attempt some kind of understanding about how the situation could be resolved .
6 Fears grow of where the Serbs may turn next , if they are permitted the ultimate triumph from which none is willing to deflect them .
7 In verses 5 and 6 Peter makes direct reference to the flood of judgment which came upon the earth in the days of Noah and at the end of the preceding verse 4 he writes of how the scoffers will say that ‘ all things continue as they were from the beginning of the CREATION . ’
8 The difference lies in how the image is captured .
9 Erm during the course of the footings and flooring taking place , bricks have been ordered to come in where the walls are being built together with the joinery .
10 But all that happens to him is that he topples into the mud with his arm broken and his face bruised from where the broken arm was smashed against it .
11 She 's very shaken and her arms are badly bruised from where the men held her .
12 The weaving yarn is only caught in where the card changes from blanks to punched holes or vice versa .
13 So in the final version of this book , I 've sketched in how the speaker looks , or else how she describes herself .
14 I can only suppose that commercial flights fly to where the VCR should be using inertial navigation , but this was not quite within our capabilities .
15 ‘ What the counsellor does is to concentrate on how the client feels about the incidents or facts he is reporting rather than on the facts themselves , and then to respond to what appears to be the most significant part of each complex sequence …
16 In recent weeks our Moscow correspondent could have reported on why the voters in Lithuania had rejected Lansbergis and what the implications were for the prospects of democracy in Russia as well as Lithuania .
17 Some latitude can be allowed to serious critics who write for periodicals which go to press a long time before a show is on view ; these critics will not be able to comment on how the exhibition actually looks , as their articles will have been written before the show 's installation .
18 To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what information he has on how the nuclear weapons in Ukraine are going to be controlled by the Soviet Union following the independence vote .
19 Make sure that , sure they 're good quality photographs , normally black and white , sharp , appropriate and so forth , and make sure that you 've got sufficient details associated with it , often a good way of doing it is by having a , something typed on a slip of paper which is just very slightly stuck to the , to the back so the editor can actually see what the thing is and can take it off if he needs to when the picture is actually being reproduced .
20 It would hardly be surprising if so many organisations , each with a finger in a large but nonetheless limited pie , sometimes disagreed on how the money should be spent .
21 Several hundred have been identified , and many are being studied for the evidence they can yield on how the oceans form .
22 ‘ No , ’ she said carefully , marvelling at how the steam conducted the sound .
23 ‘ I do n't understand why they pose for the tourists , ’ she said , marvelling at how the huge hoods were wired to flare out in soft folds around each tightly wrapped skull .
24 The report then looks at how the fund was used , the outcomes obtained and the options for those refused help .
25 Gerry Tissier looks at how the project is shaping up
26 Helen Kay looks at how the God Squad handle some huge assets and equally big liabilities
27 Hong Kong , Hong Kong , Beats the Chinese Heart , a Viewpoint touring exhibition by Simon Buckley shows the mix of traditional and modern lifestyles in Hong Kong and looks at how the Chinese community has attempted to recreate the atmosphere of Hong Kong in Manchester ( until 2 Mar ) .
28 Elspeth Burnside looks at how the growth of the women 's professional circuit has revitalised the amateur game .
29 The programme looks at how the countryside was affected by the ravages of war , and how the Vietnamese people are trying to recover from it .
30 A literary experiment changes a text and looks at how the change affects a reader .
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