Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [pos pn] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Though consent , if valid , has normative consequences , and can only be explained through its purported normative consequences , it does not bear its normativeness on its face .
2 SEEDY : Rumpled bed and empty bottles in the borrowed Fulham flat where Mellor and Antonia met for their steamy love sessions
3 Evidence of the Host 's appearance is said to be the red crotal ( lichen ) stain found on rocks the morning after a heavy frost , which is blood they have spilled during their aerial spats .
4 They appeared to apologize for their pitiable weaknesses , instead of forming themselves into a counter attack .
5 Oddly , she felt less happy , less content , less well able to go about her daily business than she had in the three painful months of her sexual abstinence .
6 People continued to go about their daily lives , make their plans , take decisions , eat , drink , love , pray for a good harvest , pray for rain , in complete ignorance of the dramatic effect this far-off encounter would have on their lives .
7 Does the Minister agree that the best right for the people of the United Kingdom under any citizens charter would be the right to live and to go about their daily work without the continual threat of terrorism ?
8 The solution was a simple one : employ priests with the sole responsibility of singing the memorial requiems so as to allow the parish priests to go about their customary role of caring for the spiritual needs of the living .
9 Every time a Labour MP pairs with a Tory , leaving that Tory MP free to go about his other business commitments , most of them highly paid , that MP abstained from taking part in opposing this government 's policies .
10 Most of us believe that accidents always happen to someone else , which I suppose is how we are able to go about our everyday lives .
11 Further to my letter of 3 September 1992 , I am most grateful to you for your permission to borrow for our forthcoming exhibition on John Slezer the Slezer drawings of Edinburgh held by Edinburgh City Libraries , and shall be in touch with Miss McDougall about practical arrangements in due course .
12 When the locum who had visited Allison at home heard about her multiple miscarriages , she suggested Allison should ask to be referred to the Recurrent Miscarriage Clinic at Pembury Hospital in Kent .
13 They had heard about her erotic exploits but their jaws dropped during the dress rehearsal of one of her entrances .
14 The Everton and Wales star , caught doing 80 in a 50mph area , escaped a ban after magistrates heard about his extensive charity work .
15 As control families were traced through their general practitioner with the facilities offered by the central register , families who emigrated before the study began ( five ) and those whose current family health services authority was not recorded ( five ) or incorrectly recorded ( 11 ) were replaced by the next eligible control in the series .
16 With less reliable means of reaching the station , with perhaps less requirement for haste , and less opportunity to understand the timetables or gauge time by any other means than the sun , these passengers used all the patience of the peasant to wait for their appropriate train .
17 And Elinor was just going to have to wait for her merciful release .
18 Even when she was tiny she had n't really thought of him that way , and when she was older , about thirteen , she had secretly been terribly proud in front of the other girls when Georg , who had never seemed to go through a spotty adolescent phase like other boys , used to wait for her outside school so that they could walk up the mountain road together .
19 Imagine — with Air Miles you do n't have to wait for your annual summer holidays to come around .
20 On the other , we have still to wait for our final adoption at the Second Coming ( Rom. 8:23 ) .
21 He can indulge himself with whichever other women attract him , but you 're to remain for his exclusive use , keeping yourself unencumbered , ready and available for whenever he has a whim to renew the relationship ? ’
22 The three newspapers I took were sticking through my front door , which was at the side of the house .
23 The study of landscape is one of the oldest sub-disciplines within geography , but during the quantitative revolution of the 1960s and early 1970s such work was roundly criticized for its descriptive nature and its search for uniqueness .
24 Although the investigation had resulted in the conviction of 34 individuals and four corporations and secured damages of nearly $32,000,000 , it was increasingly criticized for its slow pace .
25 The Indian government has been strongly criticized for its slow response , but a bill has now been introduced in parliament which should speed up the processing of claims .
26 The theory of the new international division of labour has been criticized for its uncompromising condemnation of TNC operations in the Third World , on the grounds that there is not very much that is new about it and that it relies on an empirical base that is far too limited ( see , for example , Cohen , 1987 , ch.7 ; Jenkins , 1984 ; Gordon , 1988 ) .
27 The scientific management approach was criticized for its naive preoccupation with financial or extrinsic rewards , and for ignoring intrinsic needs for affiliation , self-esteem and self-actualization .
28 Of these , the latter two were especially criticized for their poor records of arrest and/or inactivity ; records perhaps best viewed in the light of the legislation they sought to enforce , the complexity of the offences they where obliged to detect , and last , but by no means least , the limited resources , in terms of finance , manpower , and expertise , made available to them .
29 But the London and North-Western and the Great Western Railway companies were criticized for their poor provision of workmen 's trains in 1892 and a parliamentary select committee was still pressing for the provision of cheap trains for workers in 1905 .
30 Such theories have been plausibly criticized for their romantic and Utopian strains , also for the way they echo and sometimes invoke a post-Freudian version of the polymorphous perverse .
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