Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] through the " in BNC.

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1 The leader is in good health and , in Maginnis 's opinion , should stay to see through the current phase — at least until the Government agrees to a select committee for Northern Ireland , whether or not there is any devolution .
2 Mrs Thatcher , on the other hand , claimed that previous Tory leaders had agreed on the country 's problems and what needed to be done — cutting public expenditure and direct taxation , reforming the unions , and restoring the incentives and financial disciplines of the free market — but failed to carry through the policies .
3 As soon as the redundancies were announced , just over half of those who retired before the pension age decided that they did not want to go through the process of trying to find work .
4 The adventurers will probably want to go through the usual routine of tipping the earth out of the coffin , smashing it , and suchlike , but then they have the pressing problem of getting out of this room .
5 I did n't want to go through the arguments for and against .
6 They had to wait to go through the time lock machine .
7 He confesses his initial involvement to Sutherland , but will not say what happened after the petrol station unless Keifer agrees to go through the same process , starting with the taking of a sleeping draught .
8 He confesses his initial involvement to Sutherland , but will not say what happened after the petrol station unless Keifer agrees to go through the same process , starting with the taking of a sleeping draught .
9 It is an iterative process which involves trawling through the design space of possible configurations until the optimal solution is found .
10 Initially , the chemical potential µ 1 , of the solvent in the solution , is lower than that of the pure solvent , µ 1 ° and solvent molecules tend to pass through the membrane into the solution in order to attain equilibrium .
11 Here again the old north to south and east to west through-roads were diverted to pass through the new market place , so producing the dangerous corners which still exist in the town today .
12 Lakes may take in water from many miles away that has percolated through the soil or through aquifers over decades .
13 Meese had simply said , ‘ All right , we want to go through the 1985 shipment … well , how the initiative began … then talk to him about this memo of the diversion of funds . ’
14 ‘ If they want to go through the correct procedure and ask for a transfer , then so be it . ’
15 I want to go through the process of what we really have to do and consider to build up the story .
16 If you want to go through the details of assignment and analysis , there are many excellent treatments that will help you , varying in depth from the brief but extremely clear account in Ref. [ 20 ] to long and complicated books on the subject , for example , Ref. [ 21 ] .
17 The peasant movement in El Salvador has developed through the peasants ’ own ability to organise and form a union in the face of growing landlessness and poverty .
18 In the litter tray they do the same thing , but if it has been used several times without being properly cleaned out this becomes impossible and the cat will then prefer to defecate elsewhere , even if it has to go through the motions of covering its dung with imaginary earth after it has deposited it on a wooden floor or a carpet .
19 He accepts that every Special Constable has to go through the process of gaining the confidence of his regular colleagues .
20 anything like nuts and bolts , fixings , fasteners , that type of thing go , has to go through the
21 We did n't , we have n't cos Les has to go through the books and charge
22 Apparently they have had people calling in saying , ‘ please could I speak to Sue ’ , and that could be anybody , and then the switchboard has to go through the rigmarole of saying , ‘ what 's it all about , do you know where the person works , can you give me a bit more information ’ , and it takes up a lot more of their time , so please , if you 're leaving a message for somebody to call you back , leave your full name and your extension number .
23 The ballroom was now immaculate , its inlaid decorative wood floor gleaming , all the facets of the chandeliers sparkling in the sun that was permitted to stream through the clear glass of the French windows .
24 In the meantime , motorists caught speeding through the contraflow can expect to receive a court summons in the post .
25 Unlike the crab louse , the mite of scabies lays its eggs under the skin surface , and to do this it needs to burrow through the thick outer layer of the shin .
26 I do n't need to see through the sheet to know that Anya 's flushed brick red , and that her eyes are fixed on somewhere quite far to the east of the Walthamstow marshes .
27 The tailwheel has fallen through the surface and the yoke was broken , so an immediate take-off was out of the question .
28 A thirteen year old boy has fallen through the window of his school bus as it went round a corner .
29 The water has to flow through the stiff bristles , which filter out particles and also encourage them to settle to the bottom of the chamber , by slowing the flow .
30 He tried to see through the net curtain but he could see nothing .
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