Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] any [noun] " in BNC.

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1 My earlier use of ‘ translation ’ to cover both interpretation and compilation into a lower-level language is not intended to carry any suggestion that the lower levels , including the lowest level of all , the machine 's registers , can be an interesting formal semantics for the higher levels , let alone what the highest level ‘ is about ’ .
2 They convened that day , but failed to issue any resolution until late on Aug. 3 .
3 Well , on top of the expense of maintaining the house and the car , you may want to continue any hobbies you may have or take more holidays .
4 When he failed to promote any women into his first cabinet he insisted he would only appoint on merit .
5 This involves building any investments required into the company budget as well as providing against project slippage because of any additional prototype stages the new process may make advisable .
6 We do not want to lose any explorers of the quantum world on the way so I think I had better issue a survival kit before we start .
7 In the midst of all this juggling we do n't want to lose any hours . ’
8 Redmond , Washington-based Microsoft Corp does not want to see any part of the digital automation process that is not touched by Windows , and the company has developed a specification for computer integrated telephony for the MS-DOS personal computer , with which , needless to say , it is aiming to set the industry-standard .
9 His wife did n't want to watch him suffer , and she wanted him to die also , and she did n't want to see any suffering .
10 Afterwards he 'd sworn he would prefer to see any child of his six foot under rather than taken for a nun .
11 The editors of Arlidge & Parry on Fraud ( 1985 ) , p. 97 , para. 3.39 , express doubt as to whether the term ‘ employment ’ is intended to include any form of paid work or is confined to contracts of employment in the strict sense .
12 He did n't want to usurp any announcement by SCO ( see page one ) and was still talking in terms of how SCO might gracefully go to SVR4 and whether the companies ' two technologies might be blended .
13 They never expected to see any freedom in their lifetime .
14 Anyway , that meant that the whole thing was top secret , because they did n't want to risk any leaks in case somebody followed up the work and got in first with a patent . ’
15 Sailing with about 50 men in mid-October , Ormonde had an uneventful passage from Normandy to Torbay , but failed to see any signs of a rising there and thereupon returned to St Malo .
16 You did n't at that stage I do n't think make any sort of link towards referrals and introductions .
17 Bickering began on the US side yesterday , with State Department officials angrily protesting to the White House that the Pentagon failed to provide any security for the US embassy in Panama .
18 Mr Justice Hobhouse dismissed B's claim , saying that the statutory intention behind the Regulations , stated in s 203 , TA 1988 , was that income tax should be deducted by a person making any payment of or on account of any income assessable to tax under Sch E. There was a statutory obligation to deduct tax unless either the Regulations showed that there was to be no such obligation or they failed to provide any machinery whereby the payer could make a deduction .
19 One person in 10 failed to spell any word correctly according to the Gallup survey of 1,000 adults .
20 Er Selby have as I und as I can see it today , failed to establish any need for the bid for two hundred two hundred and fifty hectares which they 've put forward .
21 As a subsidiary question , can the US experience provide any lesson for post British Telecom privatization Britain ?
22 It could be and I do n't want to preempt any discussion that would take place , but it could be a solution er from the Hatfield site could be found in the same way as a solution was found by er Sunderland Council and er Cleveland County Council over the shipyards in er in Sunderland .
23 Rafael Valls acquired an appealing half-length portrait of Miss Juliana Copley by Lawrence ( lot 29 , est. £50,000–70,000 ) for £92,000 , but doubts had been expressed about the condition of the second Lawrence in the sale , a grand full-length portrait of John Allnutt ( lot 30 , est. £300,000–500,000 ) , and it failed to attract any bids .
24 Although minor works by Jasper Johns ( lot 20 , est. $300–400,000 ) and Robert Rauschenberg ( lot 21 , est. $500–700,000 ) failed to attract any bids , there was satisfactory interest in Minimalist and Neo-Expressionist pictures from his collection .
25 A pair of granite chairs by Scott Burton ( lot 55 , est. $100–150,000 ) sold for $80,000 ( £44,400 ) , in spite of concerns about their condition Lichtenstein 's ‘ Laughing cat ’ ( lot 44a , est. $350–450,000 ) failed to attract any interest and was bought in at $190,000 .
26 Two of Queen Victoria 's night dresses failed to attract any interest when they came up for auction .
27 United was not there — or at least not where Bob Smith expected her — and an SUE charge ( see diagram p. 62 ) tossed over the side failed to attract any attention .
28 The figures we have used are made up and are not intended to indicate any trend in Oxford .
29 It seems to go against common-sense notions that individuals would want to hide any misdemeanours or crimes .
30 I mean has any body ever actually asked you that question before ?
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