Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] when he " in BNC.

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1 Meredith watched the struggle on the man 's face as he tried to control his wayward mouth , and wondered why he did n't want to grin when he was so obviously amused by her cheek .
2 The judge ruled that there was insufficient evidence to show that the former guard captain , Karl-Heinz Becker , 49 , had intended to kill when he fired his pistol at one of the two men fleeing through a checkpoint on 8 April , 1989 .
3 THIS is the book which Peter Mayle planned to write when he went to live in France .
4 She stopped singing when he knocked on the door , but he had to wait and knock a second time before she invited him in .
5 There is another leitmotif in this funny , happy ballet , the precious red umbrella , Alain 's only love — or so it would seem — for it is the one thing he clings to and simply has to find when he has lost Lise .
6 Patrick pretended to hide when he saw Rain was after him .
7 When when he has got when he 's got the time to go to , I do n't know where he gets them , he does n't get them at Marble Arch Marks I think .
8 So they stand cheerfully by the carriage window revealing in loud voices the personal secrets of the wretched traveller , who winces as he realizes that he has to travel two hundred miles with a carriage full of strangers who know his family history , how prone he is to chills if he wears a damp vest , what he has to do when he arrives at his destination .
9 Ooh he , he 's m mind you he , he reckons that 's what he wants to do when he 's older but I mean the life , or the career of anybody in computers is not very long is it ?
10 African-Americans in South Central mostly hate Korean store owners and there 's no getting around the fact , as Jesse Jackson tried to do when he said the assaults on Koreans were not racist .
11 It was precisely this that John , duke of Bedford , the elder of Henry V 's surviving brothers , tried to do when he became regent of France on the death of the king .
12 His kisses and cuddles soothed me , and I stopped crying when he said : ‘ He 's a bad dog , and I 'll give him a good hiding for that . ’
13 He stopped reading when he saw her .
14 He promised to ring when he got back , but did n't .
15 The manager may think he has delegated when he has effectively abdicated .
16 He does n't talk to anyone and he starts screaming when he hears a telephone or a bell ringing .
17 He only stopped working when he ate or slept .
18 He first became noticed when he appeared on tours with the rock star likes of Kate Bush , Eric Clapton , Julian Lennon and Madness .
19 There had to be some around somewhere , from before he 'd quit smoking when he 'd first started to worry about his health .
20 ‘ Come home to me , ’ she 'd whispered when he left .
21 Antony was said to blush when he had to eat .
22 It had begun to seem like the ideas he 'd had when he was younger , that you worked out in school and at night in bed , that seemed so easy , then when it carne to it did n't work out .
23 Jim Lancaster seemed to shrink when he saw Blanche .
24 If he 'd stayed when he went to see her , he would have shown he wanted an affair .
25 If he kissed Cora-Beth — not on her cheek as was his custom , but on the lips — would he feel that same passionate desire he 'd experienced when he 'd kissed Madeleine that night in the schoolroom at The Grange ?
26 It annoyed her intensely that she should have thought for a moment that the dreadful feeling she 'd experienced when he 'd told her he had an engagement was jealousy .
27 She understood why Johnny had felt saddened when he had learned of their passing , and she smiled briefly as she recalled that she had never found the courage to tell him of the passing of that Empire , too — fearing that such knowledge could have precipitated an apoplectic fit !
28 Thinking how quiet she 'd gone when he said he was coming up for the funeral and how she 'd seemed to withdraw into herself .
29 It will be a sweet moment for Emburey whose tour seemed doomed when he was savaged by various Indian batsmen in the early games , Test opener Navjot Sidhu hitting him for eight sixes in the second three-day warm-up fixture at Lucknow .
30 Where 's he going to go when he 's better ?
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