Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] to all " in BNC.

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1 If you do n't want to go to all the trouble of making curtains yourself , Rectella has a huge range of ready-made curtains and operates a made-to-measure service through its nationwide stockists .
2 You may not want to go to all this trouble so I 'll let you in on another easier method of finding some good swims .
3 You think I want to go to all those places ? ’
4 I find myself being another son — a good son , courteous and thoughtful , holding doors open , appearing to defer to all her wishes .
5 Yes we 'll need to write to all those and we 'll need to write we need to write to the police
6 Detectives say they now want to talk to all her former clients , and insist they 'll be as sensitive as possible .
7 In the wake of the European Commission 's investigation into the excessive differences in car prices between member states ( and the difficulties encountered by cross-border buyers and sellers of cars ) , Sir Leon Brittan has written to all EC car manufacturers .
8 Tory vice-chairman Andrew Mitchell has written to all candidates asking if they want to remain on the list and requesting a new CV .
9 The Food Irradiation Network has written to all EC food ministers pointing out that the lack of appropriate testing arrangements and labelling provisions constitutes a threat to consumer choice .
10 If not , as some changes will be made to its membership after the election , will he consider writing to all Members explaining how the system works — what the Public Accounts Commission , the Public Accounts Committee and the NAO do ?
11 Instead , a business will have one set of terms which it will seek to apply to all its transactions .
12 Once his appearance has been changed to identify him with the group ( it may be dyeing his hair shocking pink or wearing a big badge ) , then not only will other people assume that he has agreed to all the ideas and implications of the movement but he himself will be more likely to feel this to be true , even to throw all doubt to the four winds without further investigation .
13 Mediators also lack self-assurance , something that Jesus promised to give to all those who follow him .
14 ‘ But I want to stress to all parents : Do n't be complacent . ’
15 The vendor will seek to refer to all excess provisions rather than merely the one that relates to the items under dispute .
16 Yet the Government has reacted to all this with growing paranoia .
17 But what has happened to all the bright promises ?
18 Have you ever wondered what has happened to all those travel agents or airline display models seen behind plate glass windows in the high street ?
19 Gradin is the reflection of what has happened to all of us .
20 " And she has good reason to say so when she looks at what has happened to all the rest of them . "
21 The second category , overall impression , involves listening to all the adjectives describing the person and thereby forming an overall impression ; ‘ [ I ] assessed the overall impression left once all the words had been read out ’ or ‘ I was not conscious of using any strategy in particular at the time , but I guess I merely listened to all the traits and tried to gain an overall impression . ’
22 Why was he prepared to go to all that trouble ? ’
23 The Labour Government also took the precaution of sending a special , private ‘ whip ’ or request to attend to all the 111 Labour ministers in both Houses .
24 If , on the other hand , something like classes had always existed , as assumed in The German Ideology , the first edition of The Communist Manifesto , and Formen , then the principles developed by Marx in Capital could be made to apply to all societies .
25 McCoist , who had taken over the captaincy from the injured Richard Gough , shrugged his shoulders and said : ‘ We 've grown used to all those injuries and learned to accept them .
26 If members would accept the additional resolution which stands in my name erm which reads this is what we 'd copied to all district councils and they would be made aware of the county council 's views on the matter .
27 At first , this suggestion seemed to apply to all accounts — which certainly would have been taking a sledgehammer to crack a nut — but it has now been narrowed down to those of ‘ public interest ’ companies , with a fairly generous definition of which companies are of public interest .
28 A board , whose identity is made known to all competitors , begins sailing upwind on port tack past a buoy in the water about ten seconds before the start gun .
29 A detailed book provision policy exists and is made known to all members of staff .
30 ( 5 ) It shall be the duty of the governors , in the case of a county or voluntary school , and of the local education authority by whom the school is maintained , in the case of a maintained nursery school ( a ) to use their best endeavours , in exercising their functions in relation to the school , to secure that if any registered pupil has special education needs the special educational provision that is required for him is made ( b ) to secure that , where the responsible person has been informed by the local education authority that a registered pupil has special needs these are made known to all who are likely to teach him ; and ( c ) to secure that the teachers in the school are aware of the importance of identifying , and providing for , those registered pupils who have special educational needs .
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