Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] you [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Well first of all I want to thank you John for your programme , we really have enjoyed it and we 're very sorry this is your last day .
2 has given you A for participation which is good , C for written work which is satisfactory and B minus for assessment , so it actively participates er gave a paper for the class , but no second essay .
3 Because he has given you faith .
4 ‘ Well , ah do n't know aboot you lot but I 'm gangin' into the watter . ’
5 At Nine Miles , they want to sell you T-shirts .
6 Mark has told you guys many times that European Governments and European plant people ai n't gon na like that one little bit , particularly when their own Far East markets are heavily protected .
7 ‘ Mr Gordon wants to give you piano lessons , ’ he told Tony .
8 You get no assistance from robes , choirs , lofty pulpits and religious furniture designed to give you status .
9 It may have been designed to give you lot a rest but some of us readers needed a break too .
10 ‘ What kind of people stopped to give you rides ? ’ 'Queers. ’ 'What ? ’ 'Queers usually stopped , ’ Ben says .
11 Then they want you to run it for two year , have a mobile home , and if you could prove it 's viable after two years , then there would be a reminder and we 'll consider giving you permission for a house , otherwise , everybody could just put up one tun poly tunnel in half an acre and get a house , could n't they ?
12 ‘ We know what people are gon na do before they do it , so maybe Rod was right and he has brought you deliverance , though he did n't mean it for you .
13 ‘ They propose to pay you £30 for them .
14 say love you Martin
15 And then I think I want to ask you people the question , ‘ What is it that you do which is potentially interesting to the world ? ’ okay ?
16 Speaker you are aware of course of the severe weather which affects most of the country and what I want to ask you Madam Speaker is simply this .
17 say thank you Martin
18 Lets see what other people say thank you Ellen
19 For our Christian brothers and sisters in Romania and a few more we say thank you God .
20 We have come to bring you food .
21 ‘ I want to show you Italy 's fairest city . ’
22 ‘ I want to tell you fellas , if you are at risk ( from nuclear contamination ) it 's your semen and sperm which is at risk . ’
23 ‘ I do n't want to cause you sadness all your life .
24 You thought I 'd set you up , because I 'd told you Newley was back in London .
25 ‘ I suppose you think that your father and I have scrimped and saved to give you children a good education so that you can waste your time and money at the pictures , ’ said Mrs Mallory , pressing down fiercely on a handkerchief .
26 ‘ What have I ever done to give you grounds for fault-finding and self-pity ?
27 Here , I said , I think my mate 's mad but he says to offer you £1000 for your place without even seeing it .
28 Keep a note of who has promised to give what , as this will be useful source of reference when it comes to writing thank you letters .
29 But what happens then is that people stop telling you things .
30 You ai n't got nothing to sell have you Phil ?
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