Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] if [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 In a secret drawer at the back of the top drawer in the desk ( I test to find if searched for ) , there are some coded entries for suppliers of magical materials who are clearly unscrupulous people .
2 This is defined as the rent which it might reasonably be expected to command if let from year to year , with the tenant bearing the rates and the cost of insurance and repairs .
3 On July 31 , Russian television reported that Marshal Pavel Grachev , Russia 's Defence Minister , had ordered troops to shoot to kill if attacked .
4 He 's threatened to resign if defeated .
5 How would the bank staff know if hed put it in the wrong way round … it just does nt ‘ suck ’ it in. unless he forces it in .
6 I hope to say if used to work .
7 B allowed to continue if hit , but without the use of that part of the body — i.e. if hit on arm — can not use arm ; if hit on head — dead !
8 Highly sensitive species such as some of the smaller angelfish , butterflyfish and the Achilles Tang ( Acanthurus achilles ) may easily become stressed if confronted with quarrelsome tank mates and will show dissatisfaction with aquarium life by refusing to feed .
9 After another 13 years of getting the country into a mess the Tories tell us of all the good things they are going to do if re-elected .
10 The Scottish star had only agreed to run if selected for the 1,500m but a communication breakdown meant she was chosen for 3,000m instead .
11 Wilson 's stature , it becomes increasingly clear , is dependent on the sheer variety of his talents , for he can do , effortlessly , what most novelists now fashionable could not begin to effect if faced with a firing squad — create Sylvia Calvert , for a start ; pin down a very minor , but necessary , character in a couple of sentences ; employ fictive skills to celebrate human qualities that are not marked by intellect .
12 Ask each one of the family to make a list of how they spend their time and what changes they would like to make if given the chance .
13 I have been listening for hours as our politicians tell us what they intend to do if elected , yet I have not heard one mention of the disabled .
14 Lord Fraser of Carmyllie , Scotland 's Lord Advocate , said he would have resigned if exposed to political pressure , and Assistant Attorney-General Bob Mueller insisted that no one had even tried to influence the investigation .
15 Hence a depressed person may well remember their childhood as considerably less happy than they would have done if asked the same questions before the onset of their current depressive symptoms .
16 The intrusion of the bureaucratic considerations is likely to lead to solutions which differ in many cases from those an individual should have adopted if left to himself .
17 What must be ascertained is the intention that a reasonable person would have had if placed in the situation of the parties .
18 Under different circumstances , might Taggart have worked if set in Edinburgh ?
19 Ferguson can not afford to wait if United are to end their long wait for the League title this season .
20 All this assumes that constituencies have been determined ; that the persons voting have become qualified to do so ; and that candidates for election are qualified to sit if elected .
21 What you have to remember if tempted to copy any ‘ late-hit ’ pose , is that the professional will move his clubhead through almost half a circle while his hands may only have moved about 18 inches from the right to left thigh , and then only because he has already got the clubhead moving fast .
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