Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] that they " in BNC.

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1 Kitchen equipment — cooker , refrigerator , washing-machine and spin-drier — should all be checked to see that they are functioning well and safely .
2 While waiting for medicine to cure idiots , I have undertaken to see that they participate in the benefit of education .
3 It was almost as if I was intended to see that they were not really supernatural ; and there was Conchis 's cryptic , doubt-sowing advice that it would be easier if I pretended to believe .
4 But because such men were materialists and therefore underestimated the power of spiritual and moral values ( despite the Soviet invention of the doctrine of ‘ dialectical materialism ’ ) , they failed to see that they were only perpetuating the problem of modernity in another form .
5 It would be a mistake to suggest that there were no direct links between business and local government at this time and , indeed , it may be justified to acknowledge that they were becoming more important and more regular through various forms of consultation .
6 The banks , threatened with the loss of many lucrative transactions ( and with expensive computer networks to maintain ) were not co-operating with the authorities , who talked of sending the police round to see that they did .
7 Physically , men tend to find that they take longer to get an erection , and ejaculation results in less semen than when they were younger .
8 The Pretender nearly gave the game away by holding his skirts too high crossing a stream : ‘ some women whom they met reported that they had seen a very big woman , who looked like a man in woman 's clothes . ’
9 And what most of the analysis misses is that reports such as this will accelerate the process , persuading those that do n't want to downsize that they will soon have little alternative as vendors put mainframe lines onto care and maintenance .
10 And what most of the analysis misses is that reports such as this will accelerate the process , persuading those that do n't want to downsize that they will soon have little alternative as vendors put mainframe lines onto care and maintenance .
11 All who have kept wild animals as pets or got to know them in the wild have come to realize that they each have their own personality and manner of expression , within the constraints of that species ’ natural instincts .
12 Actually I had come to realize that they were , in fact , ‘ waiting ’ for Nigel .
13 An example in relation to which the opponents of the ordination of women might be expected to agree that they were making use of such a methodology is the case of slavery .
14 Its findings reveal that although we 're aware that the sun causes skin cancer and premature wrinkling , more than half of those interviewed admitted that they will risk burning their skin to get a tan .
15 The Soviet Union has reclassified three army divisions , all with heavy equipment , as naval forces , and has claimed that they are thereby excluded from the terms of the treaty : a trick the West calls cheating .
16 A female journalist from Smash Hits — a magazine that used to love them , but it 's all over now — has not only slagged their record off , she has claimed that they are — wait for it — sexist !
17 Potential members must write to the relevant section ( or sections ) , and the BSIA 's governing council has to establish that they are recognised and effective businesses or trades .
18 Rarely has it ever been recorded that a fatality has occurred from snakebite during the festival ; the Cobras appear to know that they are being revered .
19 Tt well if somebody 's desperate that they want to pinch that they 're quite welcome to it .
20 A fourth man , said to have provided the bomb , has added that they had nothing to do with it .
21 I have known turnstones all my life as common winter visitors to the coastal areas of Britain , and I have seen them on their breeding-grounds in Lapland and in Spitsbergen , but I had n't really expected to find that they were ‘ bird-table ’ visitors in the Seychelles .
22 Even the chairman of the National Westminster bank has conceded that they should look at that issue .
23 Taking the evidence from those areas where industrial employment was expanding , Professor Malcolmson has accepted that they " unquestionably experienced a general increase in real wages " during the last third of the eighteenth century , and qualify the generally unhappy standard of living experience over the rest of the country .
24 Professor Hurstfield has argued that they were not , and that , provided no harm was done to the state , it would be anachronistic for the historian to object to them .
25 ‘ It 's the Iti 's turn to have a go at us tonight , Hitler has said that they may have a good go at us , as a reward for their help to him . ’
26 Even Senator Malcolm Wallop , one of the staunchest advocates of laser battle stations , has said that they will not be the ‘ ultimate ’ weapon .
27 We have to respond to these developments and it is being made clear now in public , that the Health and Safety Executive are giving every indication to employers that they are not going to rigorously enforce the law and indeed in the local authorities a leading figure there has said that they want to take a softly softly approach .
28 Why in in that case do you think that Sir Nicholas and he he he 's not stupid , I mean he 's a career politician , he 's come out and said this his wife has said that they 're both smiling on the front page of the newspaper at the moment and they go on to say it 's not fair on a man if a women undresses and then changes her mind .
29 Now every opinion poll in er Britain for the last twenty two years has said that they believe that has shown that the people believe that the troops should not be in Northern Ireland .
30 And it appears from what the county council has said that they are they 're not necessarily opposed to this sort of development that we 're we 're looking at here but that er the case would have to be proven as an exception to normal planning policy .
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