Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] i down " in BNC.

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1 Platt has let me down
2 The Royal Horticultural Society Encyclopedia of Gardening ( Dorling Kindersley , 1992 , £29.95 , 0 86318 979 2 ) , a companion volume to the quarter-million-selling Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers , tries to be comprehensive for gardening techniques ; I have used it for all my practical enquiries for the last three months and it has let me down only once .
3 The commonest and most visible indices of field officer performance are negative , as an agency head explained : ‘ An area supervisor will sit there and say , ‘ So and so has let me down again .
4 Murray added : ‘ The player feels he has let me down and his wife was in tears when she rang .
5 She , on her side , had always the sisterly feeling of wanting to ‘ thump ’ anyone who exploited me or tried to do me down .
6 ‘ I knew you 'd tracked me down , so I thought if I only took some of it you would n't put the cops on me .
7 Disraeli Gears : Nothing 's Going to Get Me Down EP ( Ram Raid Records )
8 I thought she was going to pin me down and that would be it .
9 Mr Jefferies featured strongly in the confessions of Ivan Boesky and he is quoted in an American magazine this month as saying : ‘ If the government was going to bring me down for something like this , I am going to bring down a lot of other people with me ’ .
10 Say you were too tired this morning to remember to ask for permission to get up early to meet me and then woke at the right time and did n't want to let me down .
11 My start was beginning to let me down around this time — Ron and I were concentrating more on my pick-up — but I had the satisfaction of beating Calvin Smith quite comfortably .
12 By the time he took to do his business , the bank 's video cameras must have had me down as a fairly suspicious character and I was happy to stop fidgeting when he finally turned away from the cashier and headed for the door .
13 If I 'd told them a tale like that then they would have had me down at the station before I could blink ! ’
14 Incidents such as this , and there were many more than I have recorded , could have worn me down had I not taken an almost fatalistic view .
15 I do n't have the hand strength to play really fast things on them , and so that would have slowed me down anyway .
16 Maybe it is also because Finch Street is such a dirty little alley it is not the place anyone would try to lure me down .
17 She might have put me down for talking .
18 She could have put me down for talking
19 You could have knocked me down with a kiwi fruit .
20 ‘ The Special Branch managed to hunt me down when I was in Norfolk .
21 You wo n't go letting me down .
22 ‘ I 'm telling you , ’ she said , ‘ when I heard that big clock in the hall striking the five , you could 've knocked me down with a feather !
23 Anyway , I found out 'oo it was , you could 've knocked me down wiv a fevver .
24 You could 've knocked me down with a feather when they tol ’ me . ’
25 Anyway , I found out 'oo it was , you could 've knocked me down wiv a fevver .
26 just trying to contract me down
27 But readers can appreciate my reason for feeling that brother Louis had let me down badly .
28 had let me down I 'd have gone over everyone 's head and rung Matron 's flat .
29 If someone had sat me down when I was young and said , ‘ All right , tell us your problems , ’ I do n't think I would have got into the trouble I did .
30 Now you 've let me down they 'll just say , we told you so , Sam and Foggerty and all .
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