Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] be be " in BNC.

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1 Because what we what we want to know is is those jobs where we have done well , because we can learn the bollocking lessons from them .
2 All the court wants to know is are you pleading guilty or not guilty .
3 On the other hand the ‘ real ’ crime that did need correcting was being perpetrated by the capitalists themselves ( and those very same agents ) , and was being ignored .
4 But publications in America and Europe which may have been approached to buy were being wary on the subject yesterday .
5 Now I 've got four letter Ps to do with the voice er and what I want to do is is think about the comparison of aspects of the voice when we have a normal one to one conversation and compare that with the same aspects when we 're making a presentation standing in front of a group .
6 What I want to do is be part of something that does . ’
7 It would be madness for me to refuse you through hurt pride when all I want to do is be with you , as I have just found out . ’
8 The snow is much worse as I finally move out , and the only consolation for the time it has taken is being alone , and arriving late so that the others have already begun on the tent and wood collecting .
9 Erm on what they report does is is the ringway .
10 All he seemed to remember was being on the edge of a great nest of sticks with a scatter of rabbit carcases about him , and a loch and a beautiful glen stretching far below , green , brown , distant .
11 Erm I think what the N S P C C by by bringing out this particular information to help parents and carers with trick or treat , is wanting to do is is to make sure that the fun that children are wanting to have does n't actually go badly wrong .
12 Well , all you seem to enjoy is being shot by Pinkertons .
13 Well you know if it 's going to continue being is that door shut ?
14 Er and the other point which e you might like to comment is are they in effect set out in any order of precedence .
15 And what I 'd like to know is is the board .
16 She admitted that she had been thrilled at the idea of being alone with him , but all he was going to do was be stiffly silent .
17 I think what we 've got to do , one of the things we 've got to do is is it 's alright talking about a steward as an A N other , but I think we 've got ta know where the A N other is .
18 Oh well okay , the other we 've got to do is be in the situation where you 've had a look at it before we all see it .
19 What I would like to think is is that we put together an annual report for our own purposes , and that goes out to a very limited distribution , as Trevor was suggesting .
20 Erm the point I would like to make is is is in part made by Mr Girt , and that is that er with particular reference to Selby .
21 The last thing I would want to do is be unkind to people who have given me an extremely successful show .
22 And he said ’ all you got to do is be careful you do n't hit the hedge , you see ’ .
23 Fender Bass VI The first Bass VI I remember seeing was being used on television by Jack Bruce , during a mimed performance of Strange Brewby Cream .
24 But this morning appears to have been was tragetted by a ground to air missile as it was taxi-ing down the runway and preparing to take off .
25 So we might have finished Is is X to the is X to the six over ten , the same as X to the three over five ?
26 Too late Paige tried to avoid him , but all she managed to do was be off balance as his hands caught her shoulders , and with a muffled yelp she toppled backwards .
27 I think we 've tried to err being being reasonable .
28 But this is one of one of which we did agree was was a suitable factor to be considered in the er in the analysis .
29 The only one other point I do want to say is is on .
30 Erm and er that it 's maybe very important at a time like this when children are potentially going and and knocking on stranger 's doors to be particularly careful so what we 've done is is is put together a simple guide for parents and carers erm which suggests that er they should n't just let their children go off for the evening .
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