Example sentences of "[noun] might have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The pleas for conservative guards might have died away had it not been for the Bristol riots which broke out on 29 October and raged for three days .
2 Nenna might have added to her list of things that men do better than women their ability to do nothing at all in an unhurried manner .
3 In its native China , the wheelbarrow 's narrow wheel might have sliced through the mud and found rock beneath , but here it just cut deep into the sand .
4 On the rare occasions when French and Vietminh met and when local concessions might have helped at least to improve the atmosphere — for example the release of hostages taken by Vietminh — the Vietminh for their part denied all knowledge that any had been taken while violent incidents were either attributed to the forces outwith their control , which may well have been true , or else to the anger of the people which , again , may have been true but did not improve matters .
5 The next part of the story is pure circumstance but the effect might have saved poor Mr Cubbage 's life .
6 German rate inaction left many high street retailers weaker as a cut might have influenced UK rates .
7 The programme might have said more about technique — what , at plectrum level , made him tangibly different from the folk-group strummer - but was a thorough biography and survived the expressive limitations of rock anecdotage : ‘ His attack to a guitar was , oh , something else … ‘
8 And Tristram might have sent it to Beatrix when he realized he was dying .
9 Adam Ant and Duran Duran might have worn just as much greasepaint and hairspray , but they were post-punk dandies in leather trousers , whose heterosexuality was never open to question ( ie they grabbed their crotches ) .
10 But what Positive Images might have done , but did not do , was to generate any Left consensus on the family and relationships .
11 Moreover , one might predict further that had royalty in 1940 continued with the rich pageants of peacetime ( as the Prince Regent had done during the Napoleonic wars ) , the indifference might have turned to explicit criticism .
12 The Middle East Economic Survey , a trade publication which maintains close contact with OPEC delegates , said in a special edition at the weekend that the cartel might have to cut its output ceiling by 678,000 bpd more than already planned if it wanted to raise oil prices from levels around $18 a barrel .
13 Attempts to avoid altered glycaemic control , which is a confounding variable , during the study might have masked a tendency for increased hypoglycaemia with human insulin , but since insulin doses did not change throughout the study this is also unlikely .
14 The courtyard behind was now a restaurant , and had a tree which Jean Rhys might have remembered .
15 It is perhaps possible that were Murad II returning from a great victory , Molla Yegan might have come from Bursa to greet him , but such seems not to have been the case .
16 What Ronnie might have achieved , had he been allowed to race on completely even terms , is a matter of pure speculation .
17 The Athletic News snorted indignantly : ‘ As a matter of commerce , ten young recruits at £100 a piece might have paid better , and as a matter of sport , the Second Division would be more honourable than retention of places by purchase . ’
18 She could n't know who Dennis might have told , man to man , after a few drinks .
19 Their ‘ look ’ changes almost imperceptibly ; between 1975 and 1985 for instance , a major style point can be seen in the daywear of the young ( 24-year-old ) yah female : in 1975 her swanlike neck might have risen from the neat collar of a Jaeger shirt with single strand of pearls and a scarf tied as cravat in attendance .
20 As Oliver Hardy might have remarked , ‘ That 's another fine riff you 've gotten me into . ’
21 As Oliver Hardy might have remarked , ‘ That 's another fine riff you 've gotten me into . ’
22 Mr Lawson 's words might have reassured the financial markets had he carried conviction as a man in complete charge of short-term economic policy ; instead he sounded faintly ridiculous .
23 These words might have had Philip Grey of Warwick University Bookshop strung up for high treason a decade or so ago , but such are the realities of recession that far from stringing him up , CUBs gave him a whole session in which to address the question of Who Needs Books ?
24 So self-absorbed was she that she never considered for one minute that her words might have hurt him in exchange .
25 ‘ I did n't expect anything in the nationals , of course , ’ he said , frowning , ‘ but I thought one of the local rags might have had something about a missing boat . ’
26 The survival of the communal bond severely dampened the stimulating impact that Emancipation might have had upon peasant enterprise .
27 Although Toryism might have survived as a distinctive ideology , and although a Tory party with its own organisation might have continued to exist , the fact of the matter is that single-party government was established under George I and George II , and there was no swinging back and forth between Tory- and Whig-dominated administrations such as had happened under William and Anne .
28 Moisture from the inflated covers might have gingered up the pitch somewhat for the third day , and with the ball still quite new , England 's bowlers were clearly interested in a breakthrough .
29 There are indications that cartel thinking might have persisted , at least in commodity chemicals , up to the present .
30 Johnson , contradicting him , took him from the particular belief to the general likelihood : from the possibility of a singular holy place to the generic derivation from water : ‘ Had it been an accidental name , the similarity between it and Anaitis might have had something in it ; but it turns out to be a mere physiological name . ’
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