Example sentences of "[noun] might [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But if the plea can be supported by a finding of guilt alone , a defendant might escape punishment altogether .
2 More elaborate designs might use pin headers and sockets so that flying leads can be plugged into the board , making it easy to disconnect them to remove the board for servicing or repair .
3 It was suggested that the recognition results from the previous study might represent recognition being superior for films which were consistent with the subjects ’ expectations .
4 For example storytime might take place at an established time towards the end of the school day , but in a follow-up session the next day questions could be asked to see how much they remember of the story , or one child could be asked to retell the story they heard yesterday ( see Boxes 4 and 5 ) .
5 There the reading risks abandonment by being too obscure and incoherent ; here a non-fan of SF might stop reading because the text seems too obvious or " given " , without much concession to the reader 's own processing strategies .
6 When a British citizen might seek redress for a grievance through his MP , the West German is likely to turn to his representative in the regional assembly or Landtag .
7 I must admit to being worried the week before my flight , as one local farmer had already started cutting great swathes through his fields with his combine , and I was afraid some of the other growers might follow suit .
8 Paul Robeson — himself a belatedly famed son of the Law School — might embody law and song , and F.R. Scott might embody law and poetry , but even he recognised the more profound call of the muse : ‘ poetry first , ’ he had said ‘ and the poetic element all the way through , ’ which in the hurly-burly of the clothing industry , was even less possible .
9 COMMERCIAL Union , whose London headquarters was devastated by last week 's IRA bomb in the City of London , yesterday raised the possibility that the insurance industry might seek Government help to cover terrorist damage on the mainland .
10 It has been suggested that in active Crohn 's disease , dietary protein might gain access to the gut wall by ulcerated mucosa and cause secondary immune mediated tissue damage .
11 The participation of heads of states , and even meetings of foreign ministers , were rare , though their personal susceptibilities might influence policy .
12 In each of these settings , there will be things to look out for as signs or signals that a violent episode might take place .
13 Such a defamation might cause injury to the business goodwill of the corporation , and ultimately loss to the company 's shareholders through a diminution in turnover and/or profits .
14 The monster might breathe fire for a time but , sooner or later , the general public would forget about the lion 's head and remember only the goat 's body and serpent 's tail .
15 The presence of both wet and dry sand in the same tray might prompt comparison of what each type feels like or the way each behaves .
16 Although the pejorative term ‘ correlational sociolinguistics ’ is sometimes used by non-practitioners of the subject who appear to make this assumption , Labov himself has expressed the fear that his methods might give rise to a flood of replicated ‘ correlatory ’ studies of little theoretical value .
17 He also took the unusual step of appealing to all electors whatever their political persuasion to turn out and vote , a move that reflected unease among the party leadership that , with the polls showing a narrow Labour lead , its supporters might take victory for granted .
18 It was showmanship so that the illusion might have force , impact .
19 Eventually , an understanding of neurotransmitters , receptors , G-proteins and second messengers might allow pleasure and addiction to be decoupled — or at least allow withdrawal to be suppressed .
20 The pupil-teacher ratio ( PTR ) and the contact ratio ( the time teachers spend directly teaching as opposed to preparing and marking work ) might be regarded as inputs and , in addition to the examples taken from the Audit Commission report , outputs might include punctuality and values and attitudes acquired by the time the pupils leave school — though the latter would not be easy to quantify .
21 The odours of the sea could be involved , and those birds living close to the coast might find smell particularly useful .
22 Medicines mentioned in The Eyes Might Have It section can also cause skin problems .
24 Re-investigation might show liability attaching and avoid unnecessary Court actions being raised .
25 Investors were also warned recently that the falling value of the pound might affect syndicate performance .
26 General results in the theory of computation might throw light on animal perception , by showing that a given type of representation in principle could not express a certain type of information , or that it would he enormously less efficient than most other type .
27 There is concern , too , that Labour might raise interest rates to protect the pound , leaving speculators vulnerable to a sudden surge in demand for sterling .
28 Jacques Delors , the President of the EC Commission , cautioned against this on the grounds that political discussions might impede progress on monetary union , and advised that EC leaders should wait several months before calling a conference , to " strengthen the Communities ' political dimension " .
29 Victorian values might include slavery , children down the mines and chimney sweeps up the stack , as well as gin parlours and asylums .
30 As I understand it , he is saying that it is the official policy of the Labour party not to build the fourth boat and that his only reservation arises from the fact that certain clauses in the contract might make cancellation commercially prohibitive .
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