Example sentences of "[noun] put [pron] at " in BNC.

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1 Mistakenly thinking it would do no harm to put her at her ease — she was a plain woman with the faintest smell of spirits on her breath even at ten o'clock in the morning — he had mentioned the interesting photographs hung on the stairway leading to the stalls .
2 The civil rights marches created an opportunity for Ian Paisley to put himself at the head of plebeian Protestant resistance to the civil rights movement .
3 Current predictions for the cost of generating electricity with the Super-Phenix put it at about the same as coal but twice as expensive as a conventional reactor .
4 In the 1470s the closest parallel is to be found in the north midlands , where Hastings ' possession of the key duchy of Lancaster offices put him at the head of the royal connection in the region .
5 In the 1470s the closest parallel is to be found in the north midlands , where Hastings ' possession of the key duchy of Lancaster offices put him at the head of the royal connection in the region .
6 According to Eurotunnel it is £7bn ; the contractors put it at £7.5bn .
7 The law puts them at risk from oncoming forwards and I can see a spate of potentially serious injuries .
8 As one director put it at the time : ‘ I will not allow my social workers , one of whose core values is honesty , to go into people 's houses and behave in a fundamentally deceitful way ’ .
9 Recent estimates of the size of the slick put it at 2.5m-3m barrels of oil , not the 7m-barrel monster that had been feared .
10 A quick examination put her at ease but may have done little for her embarrassment ; the culprit was a misplaced liquorice all-sort .
11 One estimate of this period puts it at about thirty days .
12 He could again ask parliament to put him at the head of the government .
13 Whereas the government publicly estimated the cost of meeting EC water standards at £3–4 billion , City sources put it at £22–32 billion over 11 years .
14 We were going to talk about his subject of the day to put him at ease , and then just come out with it — ‘ By the way I 've got a joke for you Dave … ’
15 As Calum Davidson of Highlands & Islands Enterprise put it at a recent Open Forum conference , ‘ In the south of Scotland , in Silicon Glen , the Scottish workforce use their skills to produce IT equipment for their world .
16 Breath-taking flight simulation puts you at the joystick from biplane to helicopter .
17 I was very shy but his mischievous grin put me at my ease and we strolled along behind Sally and her beau .
18 AJR procedure incorporates certain procedural protections for public bodies and the rule that a claimant asserting public law interests can only use AJR procedure puts him at a disadvantage which is justifiable only on the assumption that public law interests do not matter as much as private law rights and , therefore , do not deserve as much legal protection .
19 In June 1915 my father commented : " I am coming to the conclusion that the heir to the throne of Solomon is at heart a Moslem and is entertaining dreams of one day putting himself at the head of the Mohammadan Abyssinians , and of producing a Moslem kingdom that will stretch far beyond the frontiers of his present Empire . "
20 By inhaling poisonous vapours , young people put themselves at risk of :
21 With regard to Bancroft 's second point , our research was designed not only to quantify sexual practices but also to understand why people put themselves at risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases , especially AIDS .
22 Furthermore , as Martov put it at the 1903 congress , all members of the party should be concerned with the disabilities of minorities , not just the minority itself .
23 Why should Billy put himself at risk for the sake of his hereditary enemies , whether he 'd helped to bring them up or not ?
24 a specially coded hyphen which is only displayed when formatting of the hyphenated word puts it at the end of a line .
25 The drifting phase of its life puts it at the mercy of all kinds of hungry animals , from other stationary filter-feeders to fish , so in order that its species shall survive , a mollusc must produce great numbers of eggs .
26 The great man put me at my ease at once : " What does your father do ? "
27 Perhaps this is a challenge to put it at the centre of our lives , to think about it and , this Lent , to read the story as if we were there .
28 Yes it 's been understood that it was a routing thing to put them at the right side of Southwell to drive through the middle of it .
29 QB 1 's estimated diameter of 200 km puts it at one tenth the size of Pluto : much larger , and the whole distinction between planets and minor planets would be thrown into doubt .
30 Duke reckoned it at a mile and three-quarters ; the most conservative estimates put it at over a mile .
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