Example sentences of "[noun] back into [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She has spent the last 18 months researching and writing the kind of cookbook which brings all the old fun and the sheer sensual pleasure back into cooking — and eating .
2 As part of its drive to put pleasure back into rail travel , Regional Railways is invoking lyricism , literature and local history to capture the scenic flavour of its Great Railway Journeys .
3 It was suddenly quite impossible to put these living words back into page 300 of Vico and return them to Safe 5 .
4 So she took the handbag back into Tesco and said I found this handbag erm and they said well give me your name and address and all that so in any rate what happened Bet ?
5 Keith Wright brought the Easter Road side back into contention and was unfortunate not to grab the equaliser with a shot which struck the base of the post .
6 Keith Wright brought the Easter Road side back into contention and was unfortunate not to grab the equaliser with a shot which struck the base of the post .
7 Llewellyn 's long , diagonal punt soon put Newport back into Bridgend territory .
8 Tt with the aid of the good general the er United Nations army and the South Koreans pushed the North Koreans back into North Korea and er MacArthur 's view was well while we 're winning why do n't we keep going , you know , perhaps we could take over China as well
9 He continued as a cornerstone of our defence as we were remodelled , first by Arthur Rowe , then by Dick Graham in Division 3 , so that only Terry himself and George Petchey of the 1961 team were members of the 1963–64 squad which put the club back into Division 2 after an absence of 39 years .
10 This brings the aircraft back into balance and instantly increases both the capacity and length of the cargo floor , or cabin if seats are to be installed .
11 Those in the high-risk category are , broadly , those which invest in trading companies or which lack an assured means of turning this unquoted stock back into cash .
12 She maintains the changes were essential to get the books back into libraries .
13 Not surprisingly , given the number of new products it has on the go , the company says that it is ploughing some 12% of its turnover back into research and development .
14 The second phase will bring the rest of the terrace back into use as part of a scheme which has created 55 construction jobs and five trainee positions .
15 As he turned away , it took Ronni a moment to catch her breath and get her eyes back into focus .
16 Roundhay3 , Richmond50MARTIN LIVESEY , Richmond 's free-scoring outside-half , cast off any doubts about his fitness by leading his club 's impressive surge back into Courage League Two at the first attempt .
17 He did not take his readers back into history so much as bring Thomas Paine , William Hazlitt , Sir Arthur Conan Doyle , Sir Walter Scott [ qq.v. ] , and others forward , as if they had suddenly walked in from the street .
18 Twenty-six-year-old Yasmin says it took about a year and a great deal of hard work to get her figure back into shape , so she knows she 'll have a hard task in front of her after the birth of her second baby .
19 It would apparently only require minor repairs plus a reliable water supply to put the mill back into operation .
20 ‘ Caller Display puts control of the telephone back into customers ’ hands , restoring the balance of power between the caller and the called person . ’
21 Kick your curls back into action with ShockWaves Curl Shaper from Wella — a brand new styling spray that gives your curls body and bounce .
22 Does anyone have information which would assist in getting this piece of equipment back into use ?
23 The memory seemed to bring the scene back into focus .
24 The blurb reports that the film is about ‘ putting homosexuality back into homicide ’ — all rather similar to Basic Instinct ( to be reviewed in NSS next week ) .
25 Labour Party will bring these Trusts back into Health Service and to public control .
26 Afterwards she parted the curtains and came out naked to lift the unsleeping , finely aware child back into bed , to lie between her and the man lying open-mouthed in post-coital sleep .
27 Middlesbrough manager Bobby Murdoch brought Hankin back into Englsih football and was sacked a week later .
28 With a huge effort she dragged her distracted senses back into line .
29 From the vibration on the rope it felt like somebody was jumaring up the 300 tiring feet back into sunshine — some prussik !
30 Folly reached out uncertainly towards the ignition key , to kick the engine back into life and run away .
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