Example sentences of "[noun] down [prep] her " in BNC.

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1 Yes , yeah , cos now , that , see she 's not here really for , for me to come and pay her so I have to take the money down to her house now .
2 She contented herself with pulling the T-shirt down over her bare stomach .
3 She felt him flip the short skirt up at the back , and jerk her knickers down to her knees .
4 And we had Miss who used to wear knickers down to her knees .
5 The single ‘ Teethgrinder ’ was born out of a programme called American Conversations , which in one episode dealt with a girl who ground her teeth down to her gums in her sleep , while ‘ Nurse ’ also features ‘ Accelerator ’ , the tale of a joyrider which was written after seeing a police chase in Manchester — and later recalled images from the film The Driver .
6 She sat Nicandra down on her own chair , the chair that always smelt , in a hesitating way , of Nannie 's bottom , and knelt to take off the laced boots — Maman held to a rather Chinese theory on the suppression of growth ; the white kid boots were on the small side and not often replaced because they were French , very expensive , and not obtainable from Start-rite .
7 ALIEN star Sigourney Weaver , 43 , above , is letting her hair down for her latest role as America 's first lady in a comedy called Dave .
8 For Lili , whose skin was nearly as white as Adam Verne-Smith 's , was more Indian than true Indians , wore the sari , grew her curly brown Austrian hair down to her waist and took language lessons from a Bengali neighbour of theirs .
9 What could she possibly say to a beauty with thick hair down to her waist , wearing bright clothes , and gold bracelets up her arm ?
10 She had tawny blonde hair down to her shoulders and a rather thin face with high cheekbones and a wide mouth .
11 He pushed his hand back beneath her skirt and thrust his fingers down inside her panties , pressing roughly between her legs .
12 With a disparaging look down at her clothes , Phena smiled .
13 She dropped the parcel and , pulling the welt of her jumper down to her hips , strode to the door .
14 Carol was giggling insanely and Melissa was still trying to pull her jumper down over her unruly , but perfectly formed , breasts as they ran across the road to the van .
15 She gets a bit down on her own . ’
16 She looked at a Swatch watch which she wore upside down on her right wrist .
17 ‘ I want to make love to you forever , ’ he grated , moving his lips down to her throat .
18 There was no resistance from her as his hands moved caressingly over her flesh , her senses somehow drugged and seduced into quivering acquiescence as he leaned forward , trailing his lips down over her throat and lower neck , searching for and finding the firm , warm swell of her breast .
19 His eyes rested on her beautifully shaped mouth , then went up to her eyes and held her look steadily before he flicked his glance down to her sensible shoes .
20 She wriggled her skirt down over her thighs and when she risked a look she was relieved to discover Edward had done his trousers up again .
21 Maria Candida ordered the following morning , and when Sara obeyed slipped the kirtle over her head , pulling the skirt down over her waist and making sure the bodice was not twisted on the girl 's white shoulders .
22 Irina 's intense slightly squinting gaze , the way her eyes seemed to splinter sometimes and crackle with light , her cat-like face , the dark down upon her upper lip , the way she wrung her hands , all blended now into a single presence .
23 Words of warning were lurking somewhere in the darkest recesses of her mind , but the physical longing was n't so easy to abruptly cancel out , and besides Guy was already peeling the rest of the gold swimsuit down to her waist , then straddling her to place strategic kisses along the path of exposed skin as he lifted her hips to ease the costume down to her thighs .
24 I ca n't quite picture Veronica down on her knees with a scrubbing brush .
25 Julia put the desolation that suddenly thrust itself into her mind down to her cold and said that she thought she ought to go bed .
26 She put the hairbrush down and began to pull hideous faces in the glass , pulling the corners of her eyes down with her forefingers and squashing her nose up with her thumbs so that she looked like an insane pug dog .
27 Someone brusquely pulled the headscarf down over her face , stifling her cry , cutting off her vision .
28 No wonder the Government of the day tried to conceal that it had spent public money on bringing some dotty lady down from her high table to tell us what it is to want what we want .
29 ‘ It means that , since the de Sciorto title dates from the mid-sixteenth century , I come somewhere in the middle of the pecking order , ’ he grinned , his eyes lidded as he moved his gaze down over her defensively folded arms , lingering on the golden swell of her breasts at the button fastening on her T-shirt .
30 Lynne Deeley has been confined to a wheelchair since she was mown down by her own car in April this year .
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