Example sentences of "[noun] even if it " in BNC.

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1 He acts on his own skill and judgment in reaching his decision , and that decision will be binding on the parties even if it is wrong ( Campbell v Edwards [ 1976 ] 1 All ER 785 ) .
2 It will be important to formulate an initial strategy for the bid even if it has to be modified subsequently as a result of changing circumstances .
3 Mr Michel Moussel , the pollution director at the ministry , said that there was no question of checking the allegations by digging in the dump at Montchanin in the Saone et Loire department even if it was proved that the dioxin was buried there .
4 primarily and fundamentally one who is friendly , a good mixer , of sound character and having much commonsense ; she must be patient , not easily put out by misbehaviour or pressure of work , remaining calm at all times ; she must like children and be tolerant of them and their ways and also of her colleagues ; she must be willing to turn her hand to any job that needs to be done in the department even if it is normally done by people junior to herself .
5 The young Palestinian men who had gathered in the room to hear her story sat quietly , knowing that she would finish her grief and that this was a ritual even if it was a deeply felt one .
6 This allows a premier cru to stand out and get appropriate recognition even if it should be considered a grand cru .
7 Given the size of the motion-picture audience it was inevitable that political authorities would become involved in some regulation of the industry even if it was only to be a question of safety and fire regulations , but what made the movies even more into a public issue was that they became a mass activity precisely at the moment when political parties and social agencies were more concerned than ever before with how the masses could be accommodated within cities .
8 The president of the Writer 's Association , Hermann Kant , a central committee member , said the exodus of almost 50,000 refugees could not be blamed on the ‘ wicked class enemy ’ in West Germany : ‘ A defeat is a defeat even if it comes on the eve of a glorious celebration . ’
9 When I last met them in September , I asked them to consider urgently three specific point : first , the introduction of visible vehicle identification numbers ; secondly , the fitting of deadlocking across all their vehicle ranges ; and , most important , the development of an effective vehicle immobilising device that would make it impossible to move a car even if it had been broken into .
10 Playing the Tory game does not work in securing power , and would n't do us any good in the long term even if it did .
11 The new French Agriculture and Forestry Minister , Louis Mermaz , said that France would not be pushed into an accord even if it meant extending the December deadline for completing the GATT talks .
12 The key determination is whether ‘ originality ’ exists in the selection or arrangement of the database.The current position under UK law would seem to be that a database is protected under copyright law even if it only attains the ‘ sweat of the brow ’ criteria .
13 In 1976 the general tenor of the Report had gained a general welcome even if it secured no specific action to strengthen local independence .
14 As with inspection , the cleaner should be so positioned as to be able to see all areas of the work even if it means squatting , kneeling or lying down .
15 This is that B 's letter is a nullity even if it arrives on time .
16 No-one wants to have a glare lamp in their face at closing time nor to have a doorman shouting ‘ Drink up ’ in the middle of an act even if it did get a laugh .
17 Although anti-abortionists would maintain that it is morally wrong to dispose of a child even if it will live no longer than a week at the most , many more people doubt the right of a mother to dispose of a child with Down 's Syndrome who stands a very good chance of living a lengthy life .
18 For help even if it 's only in the emotional kind .
19 Well , no one was going to call them cheapskates even if it meant staying at home for the rest of the decade .
20 A , because it 's not an idiom , and B even if it were it would be a whole sentence , because walk is intransitive .
21 I 've asked them as well and this might take them into the second week er to start with their pupils process on a Wednesday morning whereby in each classroom there would be a me master year plan even if it means they have to buy four and divide it up but I su I suggest that I would do something , you know , produce one and on that they will write pertinent to the the form to the form er and continue to add on that over , you know as and when it 's relevant er , dates for completion of course work , it might be module testing etcetera and I 'm going to ask at briefing that any anything that a teacher has put down for children , it might be just you know Mi Mr x's group is mentioned at briefing so they can write down what 's pertinent to them and therefore
22 I 'll even pay what Langbaurgh council would have to pay the bus companies even if it 's £80 , it would save me money . ’
23 If you have a really bad cellulite problem I suggest you follow the diet and try and take some sensible form of daily exercise even if it is only walking the dog for a couple of miles .
24 When Madame shook the bucket you turned out your pockets even if it meant walking home .
25 I do not find that the refusal as made evinced a settled intention on her part to persist in that refusal even if it is injurious to her health and when the best interests for her health require that blood be transfused to her .
26 The implementation of liberty can stretch to keeping places of recreation closed on Sundays , upholding the rights of preachers to speak in public places even if it causes an affray , and opposing the development of catholic schools because their teachers do not communicate the Bible without priestly mediation .
27 To get in on the educational field one must parrot the latest jargon even if it is rejected by ‘ one ’ .
28 Chives will grow in such a situation , and their narrow , tall shape does not take up much room even if it is vertical .
29 If the id is completely in control , and in psychotics for example , you often get the feeling the id is in control , they will eat the cake even if it 's not there .
30 If you are involved in a nanny share , depending on the financial arrangements , l it may be viewed as a business even if it does not feel like one !
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