Example sentences of "[noun] find to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Virgin invited the Clarkes to carry out an independent audit , with the assurance that any money found to be owing would be paid .
2 THE Government was accused yesterday of concocting a fudged list to gloss over the real dangers of microwave ovens found to be faulty in its own tests .
3 P and the numbers of students in the groups found to be as follows :
4 ‘ The vast majority of cases found to be positive are due to household products which can be bought from the chemist and the player is then simply given a telling off .
5 Whose was this voice which Molly found to be both bossy and patronizing ?
6 Any risk has now been virtually eliminated by testing donors for HIV infection and blood found to be infected is never used .
7 This cuts down both the necessary search and the number of candidates found to be allowable .
8 Amongst the one-third of the urban population of London and York whom Booth and Rowntree found to be in poverty at the end of the nineteenth century , the chief concern of the married women was to provide food , clothing and shelter for themselves and their children .
9 Artemis then saw her father standing by his favourite window , in the company of a tall dark-haired woman , whom Artemis found to be staring back at her .
10 Areas found to be at risk include ancient woodlands dating back to the last ice age , internationally rare lowland heaths , meadows and marshes containing many rare species of plants , flowers , animals , birds and insects .
11 This brings in sanctions against foreign companies found to be contributing to the proliferation of these weapons .
12 Another helpful procedure would be to let children who are learning to read silently have some experience of reading aloud , to one another , passages of their own choosing , not ‘ from cold ’ , as a test of reading skill , but after they have become familiar with a text in general terms and have perhaps had a chance to look closely at syntax or vocabulary found to be perplexing .
13 The march was then diverted down Albert Road and the police Special Operations Service was called in to x-ray the package found to be rubbish wrapped in a newspaper and cling film .
14 These changes introduced by 12 year-old children are precisely the type of text feature which Marshall and Glock found to be essential if poor readers were to learn all they could from a passage .
15 His wide-spaced eyes were dark and brooding , but there was a softness in them which mirrored his nature and which his wife Carrie found to be comforting and reassuring .
16 fines of up to 10 per cent of UK turnover for firms found to be in breach of the prohibitions .
17 ‘ A local housing authority may perform any duty under section 65 or 68 ( duties to persons found to be homeless ) to secure that accommodation becomes available for the occupation of a person — ( a ) by making available accommodation held by them under Part II ( provision of housing ) or under any other enactment , ( b ) by securing that he obtains accommodation from some other person , or ( c ) by giving him such advice and assistance as will secure that he obtains accommodation from some other person .
18 ‘ A local housing authority may perform any duty under section 65 or 68 ( duties to persons found to be homeless ) to secure that accommodation becomes available for the occupation of a person — ( a ) by making available suitable accommodation held by them under Part II ( provision of housing ) or any enactment , or ( b ) by securing that he obtains suitable accommodation from some other person , or ( c ) by giving him such advice and assistance as will secure that he obtains suitable accommodation from some other person , and in determining whether accommodation is suitable they shall have regard to Part IX ( slum clearance ) , X ( overcrowding ) and XI ( houses in multiple occupation ) of this Act .
19 The Federation of Small Businesses is asking local authorities to use the discretion available to them to offer rates relief to businesses found to be suffering hardship .
20 Initially , ninety meetings in ninety days are recommended but later this may be reduced to a regular two meetings a week or however many the individual recovering person finds to be necessary to maintain a contented mood and a sense of peace of mind .
21 In nineteen ninety one , of those six thousand employers found to be underpaying , just seventeen were prosecuted .
22 This is something which many flyers find to be extremely difficult and here , as before , the longer you delay the potentially more difficult it becomes .
23 For instance , apart from the group labelled ‘ other neurotics ’ , a high rate of broken homes was characteristic of the whole group of adults with disorders when compared to child guidance patients found to be well as adults .
24 Government spokesmen say Chiang Mai is untypical : prostitutes in Bangkok found to be infected are often sent home to the north , where they continue to practise the only trade they know .
25 People found to be HIV-positive are denied work .
26 Except by special permission candidates shall not bring written , printed or similar material to their examination places , and any candidate found to be in possession of such unauthorised material shall be reported to the Secretary of the University in the first instance .
27 And then — as the aeons pass and the continents , oceans , mountain ranges and terrain all drift — why are not so many more migratory creatures found to be wildly adrift in their navigation ?
28 How frequently were these unknown forces found to be acting ?
29 The ‘ artificial circumstance ’ of the theatre and of ‘ live ’ variety allowed some middle-class observers a safe glimpse into that ‘ tumult and promiscuity ’ which Arnold Bennett found to be typical of American hotel lobbies and which most respectable people took to be the hallmarks of the new city .
30 Bold Gs show the guanines found to be methylated in the methylation interference analysis .
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