Example sentences of "[noun] she must be " in BNC.

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1 He knew what was on her mind , but there was nothing he could say to ease the uncertainty she must be feeling .
2 You may also need to help her to transfer to the list of your own general practitioner , if she and he are both agreeable to this ; and of course she must be assured that you , or some other member of the family will be with her on the actual day of the move or , if she wishes , take the responsibility of it off her shoulders completely .
3 Yes , of course she must be , only she did n't care , she looked down on food : there was no fun in it .
4 I was worried about the strain and stress she must be under , I said .
5 Housewives definition she must be confined to her home , or that of a recognised medical institution .
6 If a man has a daughter she must be properly dressed , married at a reasonable age , taught to behave modestly in the presence of strangers .
7 Manu , the famous ancient Hindu law-giver , said that in her childhood the woman must be under the control of her father ; in her adult life she must be under her husband 's control and in her old age her son must control her .
8 When she rises in the white garment she must be terribly dominant .
9 As outlined at the beginning of the chapter , for the student to make full use of the learning opportunities available during a ward allocation she must be aware of what these are .
10 In fact , it was amazing the Connor girl could even find her way to the racecourse the way she must be feeling today .
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