Example sentences of "[noun] but [verb] her " in BNC.

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1 Travis did n't break stride but threw her a steely glare .
2 When she stepped into the helicopter in front of me , I had no alternative but to follow her with my heart in my boots .
3 Violette had set up as a paper restorer , an arcane occupation which took precise scientific skill but involved her in outlandish escapades with police and businessmen or lawyers .
4 She certainly would n't say boo to Rodney but get her out from under his shadow and she 's got plenty of … character . ’
5 There are , however , clear attempts to make us giggle , like when the Swamp Thing ( Dick Durock ) conceives a passion for Heather Locklear 's leading lady but tells her that he ca n't give her the love she wants because he 's a plant .
6 The three characters are portrayed with vivid detail and lively humour : two sailors who flirt with a girl but find her more than a match for either of them .
7 ( I thought this very over-optimistic on her part but let her persist in the delusion . )
8 Valiant had a near miss at intercepting her one day as she homed into the Thames after a channel crossing but lost her on a chase up the Medway in which they stood no chance with the power boat 's superior speed .
9 Finally , she left for the airfield in a pale-green safari suit , which marked her a soldier 's wife but distinguished her from the lesser spouses .
10 He did not volunteer any further suggestions but took her to one of the few French restaurants he knew in Soho , where hopefully she would not be reminded of the man she loved .
11 Mohamed Ali 's aims were not just to protect Egypt but to make her an expansionist power in the Eastern Mediterranean .
12 She was not in the least concerned at her mother 's solitary state but knew her to be so recently buffeted by events that she would not cavil at two visiting teenagers , although she had intimated to Sam that if she filled the house with them , she would kill herself .
13 He looked surprised to see Cassie standing by the front door but gave her a friendly wave and began to walk up the path .
14 Corbett had no choice but told her from the beginning of the events at Godstowe .
15 John told Anne that this was embarkation leave and he would soon be going to France but warned her not to mention it to anyone .
16 it 's one thing being in a hospital but to take her somewhere
17 The Serrano government sent Menchu belated congratulations but refused her an official reception .
18 Ranald fetched his harp , and he sang a story of a great selkie , one of the seal people , who loved a land maiden but warned her that if she took their son away from him , the baby would kill him when he grew up ; but in fear that her child would become a wild selkie himself she stole the baby and reared him inland as a normal man .
19 ‘ I thought Flash was dying and had no option but to put her in the car , ’ Shepherd said .
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