Example sentences of "[noun] this [noun sg] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 WILLSFORD , whose careful preparation this season has been timed to bring him to his peak on Martell Grand National day , will carry maximum stable confidence at Liverpool today .
2 ( PS This report does not constitute a reference . )
3 There can be no doubt that in many African states this status has been consciously sought by leaders who have promoted it through the nature of their public appearances and prestige investments .
4 another Central South success story this year has been the form of Gloucestershire racing trainer David Nicholson … yesterday he opened his new stables at Ford for the very first time and racing folk turned up in their thousands
5 The other major story this month concerns the surveying of Loch Ness which titillatingly talks about the discovery of ‘ new species ’ Not necessarily Nessie however , but various small invertebrate worms which may be living in the extraordinarily deep loch .
6 Our cover story this month invites you to meet the one hundred funniest people in Britain .
7 This was certainly not necessary for the decision of the case ; but though the resolution of the Court of Common Pleas was only a dictum , it seems to me clear that Lord Coke deliberately adopted the dictum , and the great weight of his authority makes it necessary to be cautious before saying that what he deliberately adopted as law was a mistake , and though I can not find that in any subsequent case this dictum has been made the ground of the decision , except in Fitch v. Sutton ( 1804 ) 5 East 230 , as to which I shall make some remarks later , and in Down v. Hatcher ( 1839 ) 10 Ad. & El .
8 In the circumstances it is not strictly necessary to answer the second question ( i.e. the third issue listed above ) , but in case this case goes further I will do so briefly .
9 In our case this iteration has gone on at great lengths and I and my colleagues have had to struggle to ensure that we have allocated enough time to deciding the direction in which the company should be going , and the changes that have to be carried out in order to get it there .
10 In each case this process culminates , both musically and dramatically , in the central interlude , and these central interludes are so powerful and momentous that the scenes which follow can only be fitted , so to speak , into their musical reverberations .
11 I 'm just going to park the car well away from the house , just in case this wind brings down any of the roof . ’
12 If you are planning to try them again this year , take the precaution of choosing quick-maturing varieties in case this summer does n't turn out to be as sunny .
13 Thus When these standard molar enthalpies of formation are put into equation ( 11 ) we obtain On rearrangement this equation becomes Thus , the standard molar enthalpy change for step B2 can be calculated from the standard molar enthalpies of formation of the reactants and products .
14 In the Gesta this genealogy creates a sharp contrast between the kings and the counts of Anjou , whose origins are said to lie in a ‘ new man ’ , a forester of the reign of Charles the Bald .
15 Likewise to John Jensen , for whose brilliant illustrations this column has served as an 800-word caption .
16 : Mb This scheme has been designed to overcome many of the objections that were raised to the earlier scheme , particularly in relation to the car parking that is now in excess of that which was originally required .
17 In order to reflect it fully , and to mirror the contemporary cookery books , one wonders whether Stephen Biggin , its gardener , will grow the vegetables this century has imported ?
18 Indeed , where the bank or other party refuses to co-operate and the offence is serious , or is likely to lead to substantial financial gain or loss to any person , the same act allows the police to search for evidence which has the intention of furthering a criminal purpose , and in such cases this provision overrides legal privilege .
19 erm The national figure seems to be , the national figure of food poisoning cases this year looks like being in excess of sixty thousand .
20 There are now signs that this failure to work out a coherent relationship between the two logics of approach will have to be addressed and in some cases this task has already been started .
21 The sharp drop in America 's trade deficit this year reflects the weakness of domestic demand .
22 Their challenge meeting away to Wolverhampton this evening has been rained off .
23 On one level this work deals with a generalised ‘ woman 's experience ’ , yet the metaphorical power of Dorothy Hale 's dress derives from Kahlo 's use of clothing in her own self-portraits .
24 At a more theoretical level this characterization has some affinities with Gouldner 's concept of ‘ functional autonomy ’ :
25 At the theoretical level this research builds on our previous work by examining the relationship between political and administrative pressures for change ; the former channelled through the political parties and their governments and the latter through the various branches of the state bureaucracy .
26 ‘ Administratively matters in Petersfield Magistrates ’ Court were dealt with in Alton but from the end of March this work has passed to Aldershot .
27 A list of the 14 nuns who demonstrated in March this year gives their ages between 18 and 32 , with an average of 23 .
28 Jill wanted to get Bill a birthday present , so she went and found her piggy-bank ; she shook it , but there was no noise ; she would have to make Bill a present This example comes from work in artificial intelligence ( Charniak , 1972 ) which is concerned with the attempt to translate the significance of ordinary utterances into an explicit representation that might be used by a computer to produce " intelligent " responses .
29 In thinking about what Stalinism brought to his country , Kundera thinks of the support this despotism has received from the writers of his country , and of other countries .
30 It is less prevalent among managers — their goals are very much more concerned with power — but among people in sales , entertainers , union officials , academics , service chiefs , doctors , barristers and other public performers this goal appears extremely powerful as an arousal trigger .
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