Example sentences of "[noun] on [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At the end of the procedure a 10 or 12 French Cope loop drainage catheter ( Cook Urological ) was left in the gall bladder on free drainage .
2 Will the patients charter be guaranteed by public funds or is it to depend in future on private charity ?
3 There is , however , continuing controversy about the extent to which reductions in mortality , especially in middle age and late life , have depended in the past and will depend in the future on collective measures to control the physical and social environment , or on voluntary , individualistic modifications in personal life-styles .
4 It may help to remember that you can not build a towering future on inadequate foundations and that the deeper you sink into experience , the higher you can soar .
5 Sealink and P&O , with an estimated 80% share of the short-route ferry market , are pinning their hopes for the future on large capacity super-ferries and changes in manning procedures introduced after the last seamen 's strike .
6 Alternatively you can leave the canal , crossing bridge 13 and follow a bridleway on old drove roads to rejoin the canal at bridge 8 .
7 Remember to reduce speed on downhill stretches and to watch in the mirror for traffic which may be about to overtake , and which could therefore set up a swing .
8 Alas , the great mass of weight over the tail also meant that , at high speed on damp surfaces , the 911 had a habit of disappearing off roads , backside first .
9 Their pride and joy is the X two thousand , a tilting passenger train that operates at high speed on conventional track .
10 Record companies , he argued , make their profits by taking risks on unknown acts , which are signed for modest royalty rates .
11 Although considerable differences exist in profile characteristics on other rock types and under different climatic regimes , deep weathering profiles on granite exhibit features which are common to many ( Fig. 6.11 ) .
12 Most significant is the fact that the soil and vegetation characteristics on low-use campsites were more similar to those of high-use sites than to control sites , with significant tree damage , reduced tree regeneration , changes in and disappearance of ground flora and compacted soils .
13 Hartford Meadows is a banker for large tench on double caster , bream will show at Hulse 's Island and there should be small fish everywhere .
14 And yet [ wa ma'a thaalik ] , it is impossible to draw a full picture of Arab political humour , reflecting the psychology of the Arab peoples , their way of thinking , and their politics without casting an overall glance on Arab history , beginning at least with the rise of Islam .
15 The guidelines on professional conduct are embodied in the Code of Professional Conduct , and if the Code has any significance and weight it must be applied .
16 The imminent publication of guidelines on employing counsellors in primary care prepared by a working party of the British Association for Counselling will greatly help those family health services authorities and general practitioners who have yet to develop such guidelines or do not understand how to assess the qualifications and competence of counsellors they wish to employ and work with .
17 The Commission for Racial Equality has proposed such a strategy for primary care , and the NHS Management Executive has issued guidelines on equal opportunities in recruitment and selection procedures .
18 Governments would have to submit to the council of finance ministers rules or guidelines on budgetary policy that would go into national law .
19 Mr Collin said there were no national guidelines on appropriate levels of reserves , but he thought Darlington 's was relatively high .
20 Planning guidelines on environmental protection
21 The most sophisticated statement of a process approach comes from Nigeria where a modified version of a list produced by the American Association for the Advancement of Science has been suggested in the national ‘ Guidelines on Primary School Curriculum ’ to help evaluate coverage and approach in syllabuses and curriculum materials .
22 The first set of changes in this period led to the Sexual Offences Amendment Act in 1976 ; the second led to Home Office guidelines on revised police procedures in 1983 ( and later 1986 ) .
23 The Far Eastern Economic Review of April 25 reported that some government officials and members of the armed forces had welcomed the creation of the Forum , provided that it complied with strict government guidelines on political behaviour .
24 Taking a leaf from the book of other lobby groups , it is in the process of publishing guidelines on minimum standards of clinical practice and offering a consultative service to purchasers on their implementation .
25 For instance , a corporation may have clear strong central guidelines on financial targets while leaving the subsidiary companies free to choose how to achieve them .
26 Guidelines on healthy eating therefore suggest that we are :
27 Many regions have produced guidelines on personal safety , and have advised branches where personal attack alarms can be purchased at a very reasonable cost .
28 The police response to these complaints has taken the form of a much publicised propaganda exercise the launch of the Metropolitan Police guidelines on racial harassment .
29 Guidelines on Serbian sanctions
30 The simple guidelines on sexual morality which , when they were children , the Church of England and society as a whole had appeared to accept , were being challenged .
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