Example sentences of "[noun] that get to " in BNC.

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1 Said to Bert that got to be a right dopey dick to ride a bike with no mudguards on .
2 But it stuck in his mind that getting to England was something perilous and rare like rounding the Horn , it must have had something to do with his allowing himself to get so wholly cut off from Constanza later on .
3 It 's the no visible means of support that gets to people . ’
4 The HEU that gets to Minatom can , eventually , be burnt in commercial reactors .
5 It 's such things that get to your heart . ’
6 Only the usual day-to-day things that get to everyone after a while .
7 It 's the odd details that get to you , the picture of the royal wedding on the mantelpiece ; Hilda was a royalty watcher .
8 It may not have been the plane journey that got to him , of course .
9 Maybe it was the pressure that got to him — who knows ?
10 Our pH 16 values are normally 5 to 9 ; I look upon anything above pH 11½ to be bad — that 's from my experience in the laboratory that to get to a pH of 11 is easily done but to get to a pH of 12 you need a dam sight more alkali .
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