Example sentences of "[noun] that say [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It will also gather information on why individuals join groups ( in defiance of the free rider prediction that says that collective action is illogical ) .
2 There is a mathematical theorem that says that any theory that obeys quantum mechanics and relativity must always obey the combined symmetry CPT .
3 There is a report on CEEFAX that say that Wilko has been approached by Lazio re : the sale of one fat Geordie !
4 The general point is that primary schools might be more imaginative and flexible in their deployment of staff : there is no law that says that there should be one teacher to one class for all of the time , and that this is the best possible arrangement in all circumstances .
5 There 's no law that says that children should preferably be with their mothers .
6 There is no law that says that life must be difficult .
7 but he did I a favour at by bringing out er a law that said that they must provide something like this .
8 I 'm gon na write , if that , if it was the drama teacher that said that I 'm gon na write to her , I 'm gon na put copy to Mr
9 Although we are a parliamentary democracy and would expect to take nearly every final decision in this place , is there not a body of respectable constitutional opinion that says that , if we propose to transfer the democratic accountability from a Westminster Parliament to an unelected European Commission , or even an elected European Parliament , the British people are entitled to take a view on the matter ?
10 The only reason that you can make progress in that sort of situation is if there 's a body of opinion that says that you should .
11 I think my parents were rather surprised at my reaction , because I was their first child and they had been following child development textbooks that said that children ought to start making social relationships at two .
12 Er , particularly since it was only half right , or you could n't exactly tell which half , not very clearly , so if it 's half by Freud , and er , it was a book erm , on erm , a controversial figure arguing over very controversial pieces , and I think the psychoanalytic study did n't want to have anything to do with it , and er , er , one of the reviews of the psychoanalytic journal that said that this is the kind of book that gets psychoanalysis a bad name .
13 There is no law of God or nature that says that a windmill must have four sails , and the independence of millwrights is best seen in Lincolnshire , where there are several surviving mills with more than four sails .
14 I 'd just like to disagree with the gentleman that said that er the , the child benefit should be mean tested for us .
15 Is there a written procedure that says if you deal with it then put it in the accident book ?
16 Funnily enough though there are there are feminist women who are who are saying similar things that saying that it is a bit irresponsible to have gotten into bed with someone and taken all your clothes off and then say no .
17 Intertel Communications Inc , currently legally a Canadian company , says from its Teleport Denver Inc base in Colorado that it plans to swear allegiance to the flag and become a naturalised American : it will reincorporate in the US to meet a condition set by the Federal Communications Commission , which gave plenty of ammunition to the Europeans that say that the US market is not as open as Uncle Sam likes to think , by insisting that only American companies could hold earth satellite station common carrier licences — there is no comparable restriction on US companies applying for licences in the UK .
18 Well there is there is an argument that says if P As do the twenty six five work , or the bulk of it , that Sarah might be a one team complaint examiner .
19 Well it would be something , it would be a bit of paper that say that I can look after children under five , I could go and run a play group or do whatever and earn some money
20 But there is a school of thought that says that if one can make the forests economically or financially valuable to the countries then they 're more likely to look after them than if you do n't .
21 Albert cut it out , snipping around the paragraph that said that her husband was the buyer in the men 's sports-clothes department of the same store , and pinned up the clipping in his room .
22 Can I make a suggestion about , probably not relevant to B T but might be relevant to the other continuous jobs , if like health care it nearly follows the procedure that you 've got at the moment and that is that in that procedure you have somewhere a line that says that your continuous jobs at the beginning of the job , or early on in the job , in the master job file there is put a note of which parts of the procedure apply and which parts do n't , or how filing is done , or whatever bit is different , which allows you the flexibility for each job to have it 's own , to have it 's own small procedure that forms part of the master job file , that says this is how this one is done , if those differences are very small .
23 This is the motion that says that the Apex conference would be able to debate issues of a general nature which are appropriate for this Congress , the decision making body of the union and for no other conference in the union .
24 I do n't think that the erm go into this properly and I do n't , I think will have dealt with it in lectures , but essentially there 's a common law principle that says if a matter is more prejudicial than evidential it should not be read .
25 The Soviet Authorities seem to be playing a slightly odd game , they 're putting out information through a TAS er press agency release that says that everybody 's back on the ship and being taken to Murmansk where an enquiry will be held .
26 Course outline I think we 're all agreed , should be at the top er , that is important we 've now agreed a heading and comment we 've got a e enough agreement that says that , it will be just called comment , but guidelines will need to be produced to go to staff erm
27 But they will take into account the need for that balance that says that social spending without underpinning by economic growth will not be sustained in any event . ’
28 Where we have a different point of view is the point of view that says that a general education which will train the mind erm and expand capacity for judgement and so on , erm is perhaps more important than an exact knowledge of erm some particular political science theory .
29 When I complained , the company said there was a clause on the processing envelope that said if anything went wrong , it only had to pay for the film .
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