Example sentences of "[noun] that i think " in BNC.

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1 Er , an analogy that I think helps to make this clear is that the ego after all is a managerial agency .
2 Now that 's , that 's a prediction that I think er you would n't make on the basis of the Freudian theory , but on the basis of my interpretation of it , it kind of follows .
3 I also told David that I think there is a substantial difference between my vision of the Library and that of some other staff , and that this factor is the cause of much of the perceived difficulty between myself and others .
4 I would say to other pregnant teenagers that I think it 's great if they are happy about it .
5 and er I was looking at in , there 's a lot of slang words that I think what
6 But this was a term that I think was only applied to very few parents , on the whole , it really , it was not a sort of ‘ Parents are a nuisance ’ is not a general belief of , of teachers at all , not today .
7 ‘ What I 'm saying is this : there are a handful of your new designs that I think are too special to be included in the general collection . ’
8 York 's a historic city of some hundred and four thousand people , covering some two thousand nine hundred hectares , but that city itself is only part of the settlement that I think we would all regard as as York itself , that covers a larger population of some a hundred and thirty five thousand people , er contained er within the York outer ring road , and referenced to the the map submitted with my H One submission , and also the greenbelt plan which we 've we 've just put up on the board there , er will show you the the broader extent of the urban area .
9 It 's that sort of change that I think is extremely significant , and I think it happens for women very much at that stage , when they have been through those sorts of experiences themselves , so one way in which I think that we can change things is — and help people to change things for themselves — is very much to support and develop those kinds of second change erm access , returning to education , returning to work , type projects as very much part of mainstream education and employment , and I would like to see a much greater range of those sorts of projects available for people and erm a lot more government resources into supporting that kind of provision .
10 But the problem being now of course that I think in line with most London boroughs there is club which tennis club which has tennis courts on Local Authority land .
11 For most months I have included titles that I think are worth ‘ having a go ’ with , although they may not figure in the first rank .
12 Yeah , it 's exactly that kind of experience that I think has got me thinking about what I was saying before you came , well before we were just doing the coffee , about the idea of actually starting to draw , well I was calling contracts , but probably it 's more better called agreements , about you know , the theatre will do this , we will do that and
13 My Lord we 've assumed as a matter of English law that I think the counterclaim can arise as a set off , but the other matters are a matter of community law
14 I 'm saying to Glasgow city council that I think the reason for the poor health of its people is due to factors outwith health services and more to do with social and economic factors such as unemployment and bad housing . ’
15 Miss Honey , with one hand on the gate which she had not yet opened , turned to Matilda and said , ‘ A poet called Dylan Thomas once wrote some lines that I think of every time I walk up this path . ’
16 Erm , as well as introducing care in community we also have the joy of putting a new standard form of accounts for social services during the current year , and this is a national requirement that I think does make for logical presentation , and does differentiate between what is termed service strategy and regulation , before put management functions that you will be required to incur whether you are a direct provider of the services or not , and then the costs of actually providing or commissioning services for the various client groups .
17 The only issue that I think we have some er difficulty with in the policy as it stands at the moment , is the uncertainty that arises between the figure provided in policy I five of forty six hectares for the city , and actually our agreed calculation which I think the County Council accept , that site availability in the city is limited to something in the order of thirty three hectares if we exclude er one site which is subject to a dispute between parties er in relation to the greenbelt .
18 Question ten is a very involved question that I think we wo n't look at now .
19 It was a philosophy that I think led to the eleven plus .
20 I 'm delighted it it 's a Conservative erm er resol er erm amendment that I think is agreed by all the council .
21 following on from that er that the point that I think is being made is that a contribution does not have to be put forward in a shape of a question to be er a useful contribution to the debate and and your erm pressure upon er the lady who spoke er a while ago was er insisting that she she
22 I wish only to make the point that I think it wrong that Opposition Members should seek to criticise my right hon. Friend the Member for Chingford , who has fairly raised a matter that carries with it considerable concern in all strata of society .
23 Before we leave this discussion of basic theory and turn our attention finally to the modern world , there is one further point that I think is worth making and that is part of the answer to the second question asked above , namely , why do individuals go through the three stages in the conventional order ?
24 Erm , the other point that I think we should be clear and we should remember , that this Council has still not wavered .
25 Erm the reasons that we were er anxious about this allocation to Harrogate erm stemmed from the point that I think somebody should make on this occasion and that is that it does seem there are two local authorities within North Yorkshire that have particularly distinguished er issues to deal with on employment .
26 Thank you for my copy of the December issue , which as always has a lively and readable quality , with a prestigious appearance that I think well-serves the image our Institute would wish to present to the world .
27 Because , as I say , we 've got recycling credits on our side , we 've got the fact that we 've got this outlet in Exmouth which will take the paper , and that 's why we 're looking at producing this workshop area , so that a lot of this stuff that goes to landfill , I 'm talking about , fridges , tables , whichever else that can be repaired and reused er , I know this is only on a very small scale , but one of the things that I think is very important with is that we 're not purely a recycling centre , we also want to set an education project , to raise people 's awareness of what yo yet waste production is n't about recycling , it 's about not producing it in the first place ,
28 I 'm not so hundred percent certain it 's not one of those things that I think
29 things that I think should n't be done on the health service are breast implants
30 right , well that 's the sort of things that I think we want to find out and in slower time I was actually going to ring the yeah at Telford and say speak to me about this and maybe pop in one morning on my way into town and just say this is the idea how does it grab you and if they say you 're not on fine , but it 's things like that that I think we want to explore .
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