Example sentences of "[noun] with [noun pl] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But in practice force has been used in self-defence with commanders arguing there are too few troops to be involved in guerrilla warfare .
2 Although 2/4 remained on the island for several more weeks , they were constantly embroiled in unsatisfactory skirmishes with natives supported by Japanese machine-gun teams .
3 For a while it seemed that the whole black music scene had a fixation about penning songs with titles formed entirely around the same noun , Sam Cooke adding to his bank balance via ‘ Baby , Baby , Baby ’ ( 1963 ) while James Brown band singer Anna King and Bobby Byrd provides a classic of the same title during '64 .
4 Smoking has been implicated in the development of CLO in itself and the association with cancers arising in CLO could be explained on the basis of induction of oesophageal columnar metaplasia rather than transformation from metaplasia to neoplasia .
5 My experiences suggest that an increasing number of doctors are becoming involved in the promotion of dubious treatments , either by acting as medical advisers to companies or through their association with clinics providing unorthodox treatments .
6 The dictates of self-preservation often ensured that the respectable young working woman dissociated herself from the known prostitute , since association with prostitutes rendered a woman 's character suspect to the police and could lead to her name being placed on the registration list .
7 Such developments , to which can be added improvements in the quality of steel used in the making of armour ; the ability , as a consequence , to abandon the use of the shield , thereby freeing the left arm ; and the development of special rests which permitted the use of a much heavier lance , meant that the cavalryman , far from being an outmoded liability on the field , remained an indispensable element of the army , one whose value was , as we have seen , enhanced by training and by association with men using other weapons .
8 MROs worked in close association with librarians to develop library resource centres of an active kind where pupils could make use of whatever format most suited them and their enquiry problems , and where teachers could find materials , equipment , catalogues , guidance and practical assistance .
9 Or you can have twigs with bits joining on together ca n't you ?
10 RY10 Rhythm with strings attached
11 The non-performing writer could be offered a firm one-year deal with options covering the next four years .
12 The songwriter who is also a performer , and has acquired a recording contract , could hope to receive a firm one-year deal with options covering the next three years .
13 The basic experiment with dogs conducted by Pavlov ( 1925 ) will illustrate the principles .
14 There were squabbles and shouts and screams with women tearing each other you know .
15 Raise your legs with knees bent and cross the ankles .
16 After joining in 1930 the Oriental Ceramic Society , founded in London a decade earlier , David had begun a career of scholarship with papers read to that body , distinguishing himself by identifying the imperial ru ware made between ad 1107 and 1127 .
17 As yet , the Greens pleas for the planet do n't seem to be swaying the electorate with polls showing the party has only 2% support .
18 However , imbricate fans with faults meeting the erosion surface at about 60° are common near the frontal margins of thrust belts ( Boyer and Elliot , 1982 ) , and this arrangement seems compatible with the seismic evidence presented by Chadwick et al. ( 1983 ) .
19 We work in partnership with customers to help them exploit innovative technology .
20 The more parents understand the details of the curriculum content and methods of assessment , the more likely they are to act in partnership with teachers to foster pupil motivation and hard work .
21 Working in partnership with parents means being open about this possibility .
22 In partnership with Forces Help Society , SSAFA cares for men and women who serve or have ever served in the Armed Forces and their families and dependents .
23 More and more , SCOTVEC finds itself working in partnership with organisations embarking on European projects .
24 An established team work in partnership with clients developing innovative programmes which add to the human resource and organisation capability .
25 In Frome in the late 18th century , we may remember , the women had died young , leaving their bereaved husbands with youngsters to care for ; here in London that burden was to fall on young widows instead .
26 PCR fragments were generated by standard methods with primers encoding the amino acids at both ends of each fragment and containing extraneous nucleotides comprising EcoRI sites at their 5' ends .
27 Their list peddlers are hawking the names of 21,000 attendees , the lists with exhibitors excluded .
28 There is a strong selection of sculpture with an Arab theme , including a bust of a negress by Charles Henri Joseph Cordier ( est. £12,000–15,000 ; $22,900–28,700 ) and many mythological bronzes with estimates ranging from £1,500 to £20,000 ( $2,800–38,300 ) .
29 He takes his hand , puts his blond head down and wills himself to go on until he reaches his yellow bedroom with teddies stencilled around the walls .
30 It is possible that this appearance of non-particulateness is illusory , and that the analogy with genes does not break down .
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